Cynthia Ross launches unprecedented book of poetry: Meet The Secret Door, by Juliana Vannucchi


Juliana Vannucchi is graduated in Social Communication, degree in Philosophy and Editor-in-Chief of the website Fanzine Brasil.
Juliana Vannucchi is graduated in Social Communication, has degree in Philosophy and editor-in-chief of the site Fanzine Brasil.

Cynthia Ross, acclaimed Legend of the Underground scene of New York, breathes art from a young age, Since it was during childhood that he learned to play piano.

Later, experienced the most explosive period of American punk rock, closely following the emergence and maturation of C.B.G.B's main bands, and forming at that time their own authorial group, chamado The ‘B’ Girls, composed only of women.


Cynthia Ross's band dissolved in a short time, but the bassist remained firm and active on stage and especially, remained focused on the production of his poetry, full of feeling and passion, who became the main guiding thread of their life, being that, in 2025, His poems were finally compiled in his first book, intitulado “The Secret Door”, Published by Far Word Press.

In an interview recently given to Fanzine Brasil website, Cynthia revealed that at the time of high school, already nourished a special connection with music and a huge affinity with art.

In such a period, as told, practiced ballet, I loved to draw, Dance and read books: “It did anything that provided a creative exit and served as an opportunity to explore the world of imagination”.

And about, particularly of its poetic dexterity, reflected:

“Poetry is my inner voice or the voice of angels or even other beings. It is the universal unconscious that floats around us in higher kingdoms. I usually write in the morning, Before the distractions of the day take control. My inspirations are experiences… past, Gifts and imagined, and also the emotions that are triggered by such experiences. ”

The selected poems to compose the “The Secret Door”They were written at different times in Cynthia's life and, therefore, result from very varied inspirations and address also diverse topics – like fear, the pain, Passion, loss, love, etc.

But all have a common axis: were written with enormous sensitivity and portray in a deep and honest way, Feelings and emotions that were part of Cynthia Ross's journey, whose verses carry a kind of ritual power that bewitches the soul and dominates the reader's heart.

And this narcotic spell is passionate and touching… a kind of supernatural manifestation from which the reader simply won't want to disentangle.

Reality is more exciting and less bitter when we have a neat poetic dose to get us into drunk and Ross offers these moments through their gift.

His poetic ability makes it a true sibila that provides us with a mystical and hallucinating experience.

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And in the book “The Secret Door” we find all these passionate traits of his artistic persona and easily lose ourselves in the contents that his verses and words express.

They are poems that show life in a naked way, exploring so much its beauty, as their inevitable shadows and their painful aspects.

The Secret Door intersperses his poems with a series of illustrations by artist Ian Wilson and some photographic records made by the poet herself, aspects that aesthetically value the edition.

Besides, The book has testimonials from great personalities, How Debbie Harry, Michael Imperioli, Lydia lunch e peter perrett, that weave positive comments about the latest work of the acclaimed beat girl poet.

With so many precious achievements and worthy of admiration in its productive baggage, Cynthia Ross is certainly one of the most inspiring artistic personalities of today and her debut book is a consistent and praised poetic work.

Cynthia Ross launches unprecedented book of poetry: Meet The Secret Door. Photo: Disclosure.
Cynthia Ross launches unprecedented book of poetry: Meet The Secret Door. Photo: Disclosure.

Sorocaba – São Paulo
Instagram | Website Fanzine Brasil

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