Courses at the Contemporary Art Gallery


The art of collage will allow you to express yourself, to relax, self-knowledge and develop focus through a manual and playful activity. A creative exercise that awakens sensitivity with a new look capable of reframing everyday objects in works of art.

The course conclusion work will be presented in a virtual exhibition at the Contemporary Art Gallery

First Class: Creative Collage Course


With the artists of Coletivo Contemporâneo: Adriana Ninsk and Giancarlo Diniz

Target Audience: artists, artisans and creatives

Days: 6, 13, 20, 27 April

Time: 20H30 at 9:30 pm

Live zoom lessons with tutoring

Support material to be provided:

Collage History PDF, PDF of complementary techniques and texts.

Starting Material List:

Magazines, newspapers, books, clamp, stiletto, scissors and glue.

Subscription link:

Second class: How to make an exhibition

Class days: 17, 24, 31 March and 7, 14 April

One lesson per week.

Time: 18h at19h40

With the curator of Contemporâneo Galeria de Arte: Lu Valença

Live classes on Zoom

An exhibition takes place at the meeting between subject and work of art. Exhibitions can be created and presented in a variety of ways, in physical and virtual environments.

The objective of the course is to show the way for an exhibition from the context, planning and execution. Search, target Audience, exhibition project, choice of collection, assembly, light design, ambiance, disassembly and more.

Our classes will be weekly with 1 h40 in duration, online and live so you can get the most out of your content, following all the steps and clearing up your doubts.

At the end you can present your project with my assistance and receive the best direction.

You will receive all content in handouts to consult whenever you want.

The exhibition project developed during the course will be presented in a Virtual Exhibition at the Contemporary Art Gallery with curatorial text by Lu Valença.

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Lu Valença, is an artist, artistic mentor and curator of Contemporâneo Galeria de Arte. You have already assembled more than 50 exhibitions in Brazil and abroad. Has specializations in museology and interdisciplinarity, EAD and curatorship. Taught several courses and workshops, among them at Unigranrio University, BB Arte Gallery and Art Gallery 4. Today, is responsible for the pedagogical coordination of the gallery's courses.


Class 1


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Creative process

Exhibition Design

Class 2

Conception and Planning


Resources and Budget


Class 3

Visual Communication

Expographic Resources

Class 4 (open time class)


Assembly – Disassembly


Class 5

Project Presentation

Final work with virtual exhibition at the Contemporary Art Gallery with curatorial text by Lu Valença.

Subscription link:

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