Practical Course: Conservation and Restoration in Madeira in MAS


The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes practical course:
Conservation and Restoration in Madeira,
with Prof. Esp. Mahtab Corso


Conservation and Restoration in Madeira
Approaching: pictures - oratories - altarpieces - Icons, and the imaginary mixed wood - roca pictures, pesta letter and cane maiz


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PROFESSOR: Profª Esp. Mahtab Corso (Titina Corso) – degree in pedagogy and art with poetic hybrid, It has in his artistic training at the classical school of painting and sculpture. It pedagogue specialist in educational research by the equity concept in art in transdisciplinary line also acting as professor of conservation and restoration of movable and immovable property.

Bring in your luggage awards on the national and international scene. Has some of his works in important museum collections, the example of the National Museum of Brasília, The Vatican museums, Museum Maria Fontinha, University of Poitiers, Municipality of Figueiró the National Wine and Biennials.

Period: biannual - 2 Monthly classes - 6 Classroom months
Dates: February - 17 and 18 (saturday and sunday)
March - 17 and 18 (saturday and sunday)
April - 14 and 15 (saturday and sunday)
May - 19 and 20 (saturday and sunday)
June- 16 and 17 (saturday and sunday)
July - 21 and 22 (saturday and sunday)
Time: from 9 to 5 pm (lunch break)
Load time: 7 hs / day
Vacancies: 30
Value: R$ 300,00 monthly (if the option is deposit or cash) R$ 350,00 the card - R $ 1.500,00 the view
Each student must bring a hand towel.
The rest of the materials used for the course is included in the tuition fee
Information and registration: Fatima (11) 5627.5393 –
Local: Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo
Address: Avenida Tiradentes, 676, Light. Subway Tiradentes.
Free on-site parking: Rua Jorge Miranda, 43
At the end of the course the student will receive the certificate.
Before your registration, check out the conditions under:

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