Practical Course: Conservation and Restoration of Tiles, with Prof. Titina Corso



The course aims to address the tile in its artistic ambience, historical reading and temporal problems, understanding that this artistic representation, It is a part of considerable importance to our Historical and Artistic Heritage. The observation of this art is recurrent in religious complexes and palaces, as well as in private homes, Decorative details of streets, alleys, spouts and many other constructive ways in which our history is mounted on the artistic influences. reflecting, over time, work and influences from European continents, African, Asian and aspects of culture and folk art of our country. It is important to know the constructive and pathological processes that result in changes, systematizing methods and intervention techniques to work in conservation and restoration of this matter. The issues to be addressed were thought to stimulate critical analysis in the form of technical actions and support for pedagogical actions in dealing with the historical heritage.

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Check out the program content on the site of the Museum of Sacred Art of São Paulo

2 Monthly classes - 5 Classroom months
Dates: from 18 August to 09 December
Time: from 9 to 5 pm (lunch break)
Load time: 70 hs
Vacancies: 30
Value: R$ 350,00 monthly (if the option is deposit or cash) R$ 400,00 on the card or R $ 1.500,00 in sight
Each student must bring a hand towel.
The rest of the materials used for the course is included in the tuition fee
Information: (11) 5627.5393

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