Free Course: Costuming and Adorn the body BUT


The Museum of sacred art receives Professor Dr Portuguese. Gonçalo de Vasconcelos e Sousa to teach a course on the topic “Costuming and Adorn the body: the Egyptians to the twentieth century”.

The objective of this course is the study of clothing from the Egyptians to the years 30 20TH century, analyzing the importance that took the combination of clothes, accessories, jewelery and hairstyles, an unusual joint reading in academia. Both male and female aspects such interaction has taken a key role in Western society, giving rise to very high economic investment and, sometimes, with amazing results. Based on a very wide variety of sources (painting, engraving, sculpture and the very surviving parts), the teacher will provide a reading of the context in which fashion was inserted, enabling a diverse view of the dressing, The adorn themselves and social affirmation of representation through the use of costumes over the different periods. They will discuss different aspects of these issues for the panorama in Brazil and Portugal, especially the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, both shed clothing as the jewelry.

More information, full grid and registration:

Curso Livre: Trajar e Adornar o Corpo no MAS. Foto: Divulgação.
Free Course: Costuming and Adorn the body BUT. Photo: Disclosure.


When: days 29, 30, 31 de Mayo, 01 and 02 June 2017

Time: 11h to 1:00 pm
Load time: 10 hours

Value: R$ 300 (in sight) or R$ 350 (02 times)

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Information: (11) 5627.5393

Local: Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo
Address: Avenida Tiradentes, 676, Light. Subway Tiradentes.
Free parking (or access alternative): Rua Dr. Jorge Miranda, 43

At the end of the course the student will receive the certificate of participation.

Before your registration, check out the conditions under:

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