Extension course, "The Muslim World in the Iberian Peninsula” No MAS


The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes University Extension Course in partnership with the St. Benedict School, about the topic “The Muslim World in Iberia: the Caliphate and the Christian reconquest” with the Prof. Dr. Roberto Coelho Barreiro Son.


The Islamic invasion of the Iberian Peninsula, refers to a series of military and population displacements occurred from 711, when Islamic troops coming from North Africa, under the command of General Tariq, They crossed the Strait of Gibraltar, They penetrated in the Iberian Peninsula, and won Rodrigo, the last king of the Visigoths of Hispania, at the Battle of Guadalete. After the victory, term o Queen visigótico.


In the following centuries, Muslims were extending their conquests in the peninsula, if assenhoreando from the territory designated in Arabic as Al-Andalus, who ruled for nearly eight hundred years.

The Reconquista lasted throughout the Middle Ages and ended at the beginning of the Modern Age, in 1492, when Muslims were finally expelled by the Catholic Monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella.

The course aims to give a broad view of the process of invasion and reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula.

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Prof. Dr. Roberto Coelho Barreiro Son: He holds a Bachelor's degree in advertising from Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (1983), Master's degree in communication and semiotics from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1993) and Ph.d. in history from the Catholic University of São Paulo (1999). He is currently a professor and researcher at the Catholic University of São Paulo. He has experience in the area of ​​History, with an emphasis on modern and contemporary History; experience in media theory, culture theory, communication theory. He is a professor in graduate studies in art history, marketing and planning and development of products as well as Art Therapy language for Yung.


Day 13 March: Class 1: A Visigothic conquest sec. In and Séc. VIII successors of the Roman Empire in the West.
Day 20 March: Class 2. The Umayyad conquest in 711 - or Emirado of Córdoba
Day 27 March: Class 3. The Caliphate Cordova Proclamation in 912
Day 03 April: Class 4. The heyday of the Caliphate
Day 10 April: Class 5. Relations with the Christian kingdoms
Day 17 April: Class 6. Relations with the Christian kingdoms
Day 24 April: Class 7. Relations with the Maghreb and the policy in the Mediterranean
Day 08 de Mayo: Class 8. The Fitna in 1009, from the Taifas 1037
Day 15 de Mayo: Class 9. The Birth of Portugal, The Kingdom of León, the Kingdom of the Algarve and the beginning of the Christian reconquest process.
Day 22 de Mayo: Class 10. Military Culture in Iberia, cavalry and infantry, technological changes, the Templars in Portugal.
Day 29 de Mayo: Class 11. The attacks and the Christian kings.
Day 05 of June: Class 12. Religious Orders and the Crusades and the end of Arab rule.

Days: from 13 March to 05 June 2018 (Tuesdays)
Time: from 19h00 to 21h30
Load time: 36 hours
Value: R$ 600,00 the view (R$ 690,00 in 03 times).
Information and registration: Fatima – mfatima@museuartesacra.org.br / (11) 5627.5393
Local: Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo
Address: Avenida Tiradentes, 676 – Subway Tiradentes.
Free on-site parking: Rua Jorge Miranda, 43.
The Museum will provide certificate of participation
Before your registration, check out the conditions under: www.museuartesacra.org.br

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