Extension course: The Empire in Brazil


The Museum of sacred art promotes an extension course on the topic “The Empire in Brazil: The Neoclassical Art and scholarship”, whose goal is to present a study on the art and culture of Brazil Empire, discussing the ways that neoclassical and academic art took on a 19th-century society. The course aims to discuss the changes in Brazil with the installation of the Court in Rio de Janeiro, the creation of cultural institutions, the artists ' drive to meet the demands of the Royal family and the nobility, the construction of the identity of the Empire by the Imperial Academy of fine arts, the role of empresses, the construction of the palaces and monuments and the dissemination of culture through the academies, halls, of literature and science.



  • Presenting art and culture as reflective material;
  • Analysis, criticism and contextualization of works of art;
  • Art as an interdisciplinary field of knowledge: History, Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, etc..;
  • Choice of specific themes for various jobs; stimulate the production of projects in which the use of art and culture is present.



The content provides support for scholars of art, historians, professionals linked to literature and media, religious, researchers, teachers wishing to develop the theme in the classroom, professionals in all areas, College students and those interested in General.



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Marcos Horácio Gomes Days doctor in Social History from PUC-SP; Master in Social History at USP; a graduate degree in art and Baroque Culture by the Institute of philosophy, Art and culture of the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP) and a Bachelor's degree in social sciences from USP. Has experience in the field of history and sociology, with emphasis in History, acting on the following subjects: Art History; History of Baroque and Rococo; Art and culture in Minas Gerais; Neoclassical, Empire and the 19th century in Brazil; Culture theory; Historical Heritage; History of image Production; Communication theory and socio-economic Reality and Brazilian politics.

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Period: 02/03 to 01/06 (Wednesdays)
12 days of school (03 months)

Time: 19H30 at 10:00 pm
Load time: 36 hours
Value: R$ 550 cash or R$ 600 (03 times)

Registration and more information: www.museuartesacra.org.br

Information: (11) 5627.5393

Local: Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo
Address: Avenida Tiradentes, 676 – Light | Subway Tiradentes
On-site parking: Rua Jorge Miranda, 43

At the end of the course the student will receive the certificate.

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