Course Sculpture – 2Edition in BUT


The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo registration opens for the 2nd edition of the “Full course of Sculpture” with Master Wandecok Chandra, self taught by nature, craftsman-sculptor, currently works with modeling. Went many places working and learning about the clay. Wandecok Chandra enjoys national recognition, inside the sculptural art area, ceramics, in brass and paintings on screens, in oil and acrylic, with themes that explore the daily life of rural folk and the city. Produced works for galleries, private collections for the various parts of the world.

The goal of the course is to provide all construction development of Baroque sculptures in clay, ceramics.

The content and the process with material handling in the period, enable the same to be an artist in the Baroque area, ceramic sculptural besides developing theoretical and practical knowledge of Brazilian Baroque the student will perform several works of which will follow with the same.




Those who are already members and those who join the Program I'm More BUT the Museum of sacred art will have 5% discount in the value of the course.

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Period: 12/03 to 04/12 (saturday and sunday)
Class: 40 – one weekend per month
Time: 9h to 17hs
Load time: 280 hours
Vacancies: 30
Value: BRL 200/class – $ 400/month (the student must leave the post-dated checks every six months).
Information: (11) 5627.5393
Local: Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo
Address: Avenida Tiradentes, 676 – Subway Tiradentes
Free parking: Rua Jorge Miranda, 43

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