Course Sculpture 2017


The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes new edition of Sculpture course with master Wandecok Chandra.

The goal of the course is to provide all construction development of Baroque sculptures in clay – ceramic. The content and the process with material handling in the period will enable the same to be an artist in the Baroque sculptural ceramic area.

In addition to developing theoretical and practical knowledge of the Brazilian Baroque, the student will perform several works, which will take you.


More information, full grid and registration:



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Master Wandecok Chandra – Self-taught by nature, sculptor, craftsman, currently works with modeling.

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Curious and thorough walked many places working and learning about the clay. He studied at the Museum of sacred art of Olinda (PE) and a practical workshop on the Baroque, in Salvador, among others. Held an exhibition at BUT: The trajectory of Jesus of Nazareth, "which was in theaters from May to July 2016.


Period: 02 March to 07 of december (Thursdays)
Time: 13h às 17h
Load time: 148 hours
Vacancies: 25
Value: $400/month – the student must leave the post-dated checks every six months.

Information: (11) 5627.5393

Local: Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo
Address: Avenida Tiradentes, 676 – Light | Subway Tiradentes
Parking lot free: Rua Jorge Miranda, 43

The Museum will provide certificate of participation.

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