The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo open new classes for the course of “Conservation and restoration in its interdisciplinary Museological”, with Prof. Titina Corso.
Through theoretical presentation, and Dialogic practice, It is intended to stimulate the participants to note technical and artistic, for morphological analysis and identification of secular culture of artistic material in the making of imaginary figure, religious and decorative elements as relevant source of research, making them aware to a greater understanding of the classical production and its materiality. For this purpose, the course will comprise lectures, Visual subsidies as movies and slides, In addition to experiments in marche paper with Joint Assembly dialogue. Practical action in the experience of staff and interdisciplinarity. Also, will include a schedule of technical visits in museological ambience to be set according to the need of the subject studied.
Full grid, registration and more information: www.museuartesacra.org.br
Profª Esp. Mahtab Corso (Titina Corso), artist of poetic hybrid, has training in classical school of painting and sculpture. Is pedagogue educational research specialist for art in transdisciplinary line and Professor of conservation and restoration of movable and immovable property.
Bring in your luggage awards on the national and international scene. Has some of his works in important museum collections, the example of the National Museum of Brasília, The Vatican museums, Museum Maria Fontinha, Université de Poitiers and National Biennial.
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Period: every six months with 4 monthly lessons (26 from July to 13 th December 2017) |
Time: 13h às 17h |
Load time: 4 hours per day |
Value: $300/month |
Inscriptions: mfatima@museuartesacra.org.br -LIMITED AVAILABILITY |
Information: (11) 5627.5393 |
Local: Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo |
Address: Av. Tiradentes, 676 – Light | Subway Tiradentes |
Free parking: Rua Dr. Jorge Miranda, 43 |