[Covid-19] – APTR REPORT on PL 1075 for Actions for the Culture Industry



PL 1075 will implement emergency actions for the Cultural Sector, during the state of public calamity

Postponed until next Tuesday, 26 de Mayo, the vote on the Cultural Emergency PL, as the first agenda of the day. This agreement was tailored by the project rapporteur, Federal Deputy Jandira Feghali, Mayor Rodrigo Maia and government representatives.


The main objective of the PL is to implement emergency actions for the cultural sector, while isolation or quarantine measures are present.

The Union will deliver to the States, Federal District and Municipalities, in a single installment, in the exercise of 2020, the amount of R $ 3.600.000.000,00 (three billion six hundred million reais) for application, by the local executive branches, in emergency actions to support the cultural sector, among them:

I – Emergency monthly income for cultural workers, at least R $ 600,00.

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II – Monthly subsidies for maintaining artistic and cultural spaces, micro and small cultural enterprises, cooperatives, community cultural institutions and organizations that had their activities interrupted due to social isolation measures. The minimum amount will be R $ 3.000,00 and maximum R $ 10.000,00, according to the criteria established by the local manager.

III – edicts, public calls, awards, acquisition of goods and services linked to the cultural sector and other instruments aimed at maintaining agents, spaces, initiatives, courses, productions, development of creative economy and solidarity economy activities, audiovisual productions, cultural manifestations, as well as for carrying out artistic and cultural activities that can be transmitted over the internet or made available through social networks and other digital platforms.

For more informations, follow link with PL:

Brasil, 21 May 2020.

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