COVID-19: With the increase in suicide cases, illustrator launches book against depression


With the increase in suicide deaths among young people 15 to 29 years, Io Bittencourt's book brings short phrases and illustrations to help depressed people

The number of suicide deaths is constantly increasing worldwide, and despite this reality, when someone touches on the subject he is charged with mysteries behind a subject outlined by taboos. Talk about pain and allow wounds to burn, is a healing process so that wounds can heal, but this is a habit that does not fit the contemporary happiness dictatorship. And this is how I Bittencourt works on “Saturn is a boy”, its launch by Editorial Group Coherence, in which he gathers a large illustrated account of his own experience with depression and suicide.

In 2019, a survey carried out by World Health Organization (OMS) pointed out that every 40 seconds a person commits suicide in the world, and against the social movements of suicide prevention, the world rate has increased. Quarantined, emergency care related to suicide increased, this because many are questioning the loneliness of the moment and the uncertainties of the future.


Seeking to work from another perspective, the illustrator I Bittencourt escapes the pathological area and invests in the artistic to help people with depression. “I felt that I could contribute with my artistic and research baggage, as someone outside the health care area ‘I’m a history graduate’, to produce material that talked about it outside the endless primers on medical symptoms of depression. ”, said in an interview.

Amid short phrases and metaphors, the book chronicles the daily life of a boy named Saturn. Unfortunately he sees his life losing color as the symptoms of depression manifest themselves in his daily life, from the feeling of being alone and empty to the insane difficulty of leaving home to perform simple and everyday tasks.

“Saturn is a boy” was born from a publication of I Bittencourt about Yellow September, suicide prevention month. Soon your audience identified with the published material, and so he developed the self-help book to work with the subject, indeed delicate, in the art of writing and traces. The literary work was launched in July 2020 by Editorial Group Coherence.


Saturn does not usually recognize itself along the orbit. Occasionally, your rings lose color.

About the author

Io Bittencourt is from Rio, illustrator and passionate about the arts. Graduated in History, likes cold days and poetry. Works with digital art on social networks developing various materials, from fun comics to awareness campaigns, like that of suicide prevention in Yellow September. His performance in that campaign, including, gave rise to this book, your debut publication.

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Title: Saturn is a boy

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Author: I Bittencourt

Edition: 1

Year: 2020

Genus: Self help

Pages: 100

Language: Portuguese

Weight: 300

Format: Pocket

ISBN: 9786587068060

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