Invitation: 40º Hall of art and literature from VADUZ – Principality of Liechtenstein by Edmundo Chandra

Edmundo Cavalcanti é Artista Plástico, Colunista de Arte e Poeta.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

Artist friends!

We will be participating in the 40th Hall of art and literature from VADUZ – Principality of Liechtenstein: Days 3 and 4 June – 2017. With Awards in all disciplines!

This is the biggest cultural event of Brazilian art in the Principality of Liechtenstein.


Participating artists will enter the General catalogue of the Salon, with a page, image and text.

The United Nations (UN) declared 2017 as the international year of sustainable tourism for development.

This resolution was passed last December and is a unique opportunity to increase the contribution of tourism industry recognizing the importance and thus stimulating, a better understanding between peoples, leading to a greater awareness of the heritage of various civilizations and to better adoption of the values inherent in the different cultures, contributing to the strengthening of peace in the world.

Curated By: Maria dos Anjos Oliveira.

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Costs and other insightful data about, or any information please contact us by e-mail or in box:

Maria Dos Anjos Oliveira
Anjos Art Gallery
55 11 996039097

55 11 38727232


Maria dos Anjos Oliveira — Angels Art Gallery

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