Contemporary Art Gallery occupies the Modernistas Gallery, in Santa Teresa, with free exhibitions and workshops

From 22 October to 19 of december, space will receive the exhibition “Imaginário”, the exhibition “Mosaico” and the occupation
“The Future is Collective”


Of the day 22 October to 19 of december, Iconic association of the Carioca Carnival, in Santa Teresa, will receive the collective exhibition “Imaginário” and the occupation “The Future is collective”, both inspired by the famous phrase by Manoel de Barros, “It is necessary to transpose the world”. Curated by Lu Valença and produced in conjunction with Contemporâneos Galeria de Arte, to exhibition "Imaginary", features, don't walk main, five artists with their looks during the last two years. Angela Moraes, Cadu Leal, God's Maridea, Paula Queiroz and Vanessa Barini abstracted, but they didn't ignore the events, remained steadfast in their crafts, in the duty of provoking reflections, of relieving their own anguish and that of everyone around.

In the entrance hall, the exhibition “Mosaico” will bring together thirteen artists in small fragments inspired by the issues of Modern Man. From abstraction, passing through fantastic realism and arriving at the concrete, the Contemporary Collective proposes – no Mosaic formed by 30x30cm fabrics – reflections on existentialism, nature, manifests and desires. The artists Afonso D’Ávila participate, Angela Moraes, Cadu Leal, Cassia Pires, Denise Greco, Laura Vivacqua, Lu Valença, Lúcia Russo, Renata Barreto, Ricardo Bhering, Roberta Costa, Sérgio Graça and Tatti Simões.


On the opening day of both shows, 22 October, the Coletivo Contemporâneos will also occupy the spaces of the Modernistas Gallery with free activities, such as Maxi Bordado's workshop with artist and architect Renata Barreto, the SoulCollage workshop with the plastic artist Tatti Simões and Creative Creation by Lambe-Lambe with the plastic artists Afonso D’Ávila, Laura Vivacqua, Lúcia Russo, Roberta Costa and Sheila Tostes.

According to Lu Valença, “To transpose the world is to transfigure reality., is to escape your handcuffs, of your limitation, of your automatism. But that doesn't mean pretending it doesn't exist., and yes, face it in a way to modify it, adding magic to the real, teasing out the obvious, since it is when we scrutinize the obvious that the magic present in the simplicity of things comes to the fore and, then, there is poetry”. For curator, “To poetry, in this way, it's in everything, in the greatest offal, just look at it skewed, transverse. To live poetically is to seek to see the obvious, is not to be swallowed by the lions of normality, is to feel the wind in the shade”. “Art is for that.: disconcert. And we are very serious. We need to be more disconcerted, like when we look at something and the silence paints in the imagination of the look, because certain things we only feel, don't need explanation. Sometimes seeing is already the best explanation that can exist”, concludes.


Opening 22 October from 1pm to 6pm

period of occupation: 22 October to 19 of december

Modernists gallery

Rua Paschoal Carlos Magno, 39 – Santa Teresa, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 20240-290

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Operation: Thursday to Saturday 9 am to 5 pm

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Sunday 9 am to 2 pm

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* the Maxi Bordado and SoulCollage workshops will have a capacity of 10 people each.

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