Conference Aldir Blanc - DF


In the days 28, 29 and 30 August the Aldir Blanc DF Conference will be held for the participation of the whole society. Civil society members of the Advisory Committee and WG of Aldir Blanc DF bring this conference, in view of all the bodies involved in the application of that Law, in order to clarify to society all information about the implementation of the Law in the Federal District, as well as the registration process of all culture makers, creation of public notices and guidelines for the use of resources under the Aldir Blanc Law.

Dra Veranne Magalhães Chairman of the Culture Commission, OAB-DF Sport and Leisure; Chris Ramirez, Advisor to the Presidency of the Culture Committee of the Chamber of Deputies; Tereza Padilha, Tereza Padilha who is an actress and theater director and will be representing CONEC; Dayse Hansa, Maximum Mansur, Marcel Papa, representing technicians with the collective Backstage, Rita Andrade for the Unified Front of Culture, among other representatives of the most diverse cultural segments of the DF. We will have an open space for listening to civil society in the thematic debates that will be systematized in the People's Agreement of the day 30/08.

The conference will run in three days, through meeting rooms via Google Meet with live streaming on Youtube, Facebook and auxiliary media. Lines I will be discussed, II and III of the Regulation of the Decree of the Emergency Culture Law Aldir Blanc with the ultimate goal of everyone having understanding and access to financial resources. At the end, proposals from collectives will be received, institutions, culture makers, representatives of civil society for the public notices and applications of resources of lines II and III.


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Active participation is of great and valuable importance, the conference, of all civil society, culture makers, institutions, collectives, cultural spaces, artistic groups, circus community, popular arts, do audiovisual, covering all sectors of culture, the conference.

Conference Aldir Blanc - DF
Days 28, 29 and 30 August
Join, let's debate about lines I, II to III, of the emergency benefit of the Aldir Blanc Law *
line I > R $ emergency aid 600,00
line II > Aid for spaces, groups, collectives, institutions…
line III > Assistance via public notices and credit lines
28/8 19h00 Aperture
29/08 15h00 Active Listening, thematic debates by artistic and cultural segments for line II and III
30/08 People's Agreement, assembly to systematize proposals
Transmission via Youtube.
Access the link
Google Meet meeting room.
Access the link
*Note. the link to participate in the thematic rooms will be available at the opening of the Conference *

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