Didactic Concert with Felipe Karam Quartet ends the Violino no Choro project in Caxias do Sul on 1/1/03

Violinist from Rio Grande do Sul ends the first stage of the project aimed at training in Brazilian popular music for young instrumentalists in Serra Gaúcha


Varied themes from the national repertoire and copyright songs of Brazilian origin will be in the repertoire of Didactic Concert “See if you like”, that marks the end of the project Violin in Choro in Caxias do Sul, on the next day 01º March, Monday, to 17h. The circulation and music education project, coordinated by violinist Felipe Karam, consists of offices, masterclasses and didactic concerts of popular nature and aims to promote and disseminate the study of genres and rhythms in Brazil.

A cultural initiative aims, yet, demystify the orchestral instruments, like the violin, of the exclusive environment of concert music. The live will be transmitted from Teatro do Sesc Caxias and propagated through the artist's facebook and youtube and through Sesc Caxias facebook. The project will have three more stages, to be held in the cities of Novo Hamburgo, Montenegro and Porto Alegre. Violino no Choro is financed by the Aldir Blanc Law.

Formed by Felipe Karam to the five-string violin, Max Garcia on guitar, Miguel Tejera on bass and Dani Vargas on drums, the instrumental quartet will present varied themes from the national repertoire, contemplating great exponents of Brazilian music, like Djavan and Dorival Caymmi, and will present copyright songs of Brazilian origin, how I cry, Samba, ijexá and baião. It will also feature the special participation of the Caxiense guitarist Leonel Costa doing a duo with Karam.


The Didactic Concert “See if you like” will offer musical orientations and peculiarities about the Brazilian musical identity, its history and rhythmic diversity. The title “See if you like” makes reference to a Brazilian choro by Waldir Azevedo and proposes to celebrate the workshop and the masterclasses made no period of 24 to 27 February, serving young instrumentalists from Serra Gaúcha. All activities are free.

Musician and composer Felipe Karam, five-string violinist, has a master's degree City University London (Londres-UK), and deep research and experience in the language of crying and jazz. His trajectory was marked by the constant search and discovery of a new way of playing, or “soar”, with ownership, within popular musical styles, that you've always identified with, to the violin, although for that I needed to change countries, and even reinvent yourself in your musical and instrument study.

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Didactic Concert “See if you like”: day 1º March, (Monday), às 17h: Live from Teatro do Sesc Caxias broadcast on the artist's digital platforms (facebook e youtube) and on facebook at Sesc Caxias.
Violin in Choro Project – Promotion and Dissemination of Genuinely Brazilian Music
Project carried out with resources from the Aldir Blanc Law.
Financing: Ministry of Tourism, Special Secretariat for Culture and SEDAC. (Law No. 14.017 / 2020 / Law Aldir Blanc)
Supporters: UFRGS (Hall of Acts and Prorext), FUNDARTE, SESC Caxias do Sul, SECULT (Novo Hamburgo), Villa Lobos Orchestra and Marcopollo Orchestra.
Official Website: www.violinonochoro.com.br
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/felipekaramviolinopopular
Instagram: www.instagram.com/violinonochoro
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/felipe0987
Video clip: youtu.be/SIceuiw3f-k
Project video: youtu.be/3otAhuiSc90



Production: Juliette Sabrina Bavaresco | Principal Musician: Felipe Karam | Audiovisual: Reverber Producer | Graphic Design / Network Management: Monica Kern | Press Office / Mentoring: Silvia Abreu | Site Developer: Felipe Janicsek | Accessibility: Thousand words | Immersive Video: MOOSICA360 | Sound technician: Alexandre Scherer | Live / Light Transmission: Brand Productions | Accounting: Cestacorp

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