Community Samba da Vela celebrates 19 years with a special presentation that brings Osvaldinho of Cuíca and honor of Beth Carvalho


Date is celebrated on 22 July in Santo Amaro House of Culture

Every Monday, Samba Community Sailing promotes, in Santo Amaro House of Culture, its traditional samba. Founded by Chapinha, flirting, Magno de Souza and Maurilio de Oliveira, the date, giving voice to new composers alongside the consecrated sambistas, celebrates 19 years with a special presentation that has the Osvaldinho musician presence of Cuíca. On occasion, singer Beth Carvalho, Godmother of Samba da Vela, wins a tribute. The show takes place on 22 of July and has free entry. The name of this wheel comes from the fact that the presentation lasts as long as the flame of a candle is lit.

The samba singer Beth Carvalho died in April 2019. During his artistic career, He revealed to the general public talents as Zeca Pagodinho, Luís Carlos da Vila, Jorge Aragão, in addition to launching the hits "I Celebrate", "Andança", among many others. It became godmother of the Community after meeting Quintet in White and Black, Samba precursor Candle. The group recognized Beth with her godmother in the song whose verses tell: "You are union, it is communion, it is watercolor / Beth Carvalho, ô ô ô / Sponsor of the Sail Samba ".


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One of the greatest representatives of the São Paulo samba, Osvaldinho part of the wheel Cuíca. The composer was a founder of the Hawks schools Faithful, Tucuruvi academics and ward composers of Go-Go. He is the author of songs like "My Neighbor" and "The Cuíca the Maninho".

| Casa de Cultura de Santo Amaro. Dr sq. Francisco Ferreira Lopes, 434, Santo Amaro. Zona Sul. Tel.: 5522-8897. Day 22, 18h. Free

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