Many times, when we receive visitors at our home, it's normal for us to spend a lot of time in the living room or kitchen, for that, we have to have very well decorated environments. Today, we will see how decorate a kitchen spending little money.
The advantage of making your own room decor is the amount of options that will be available to you, and all of them will depend on the amount of resources (money) that you have to spend.
Our focus with this article is to encourage you to spend as little as possible, giving tips on how to do this and in a very practical way, since, creativity is the key to beautiful and very unique decor.
So, whether to apply to your dining room chandelier or on your kitchen counters, check now some guidelines and tips on how to create a charming kitchen, spending the least possible investment.
Have a visual identity defined
When you start planning how you will decorate your kitchen, think about how you would like everything to look in the end. Think of the colors that best suit you, with your appliances and your furniture. From that idea, define:
- A minimum amount for spending;
- What color most represents you;
- What kind of look catches your eye the most;
- Define the highlights of the kitchen.
The importance of these definitions is, first, guide you in your visual choices, whether in using a stainless handle or invest in painting or wallpaper, because it’s useless to spend little if you’re not happy with the result.
The first big tip is to use artifice, objects, paintings or any other strategy that matches the design of your appliances and furniture. After all, if your refrigerator is brown, for example, it may not match an orange or red.
What to do to spend little and have a beautiful kitchen?
As a way to help you in the mission of decorating a kitchen, as well as spending little, we separate the best tips. Check now guidelines to make your kitchen more beautiful, spending little money.
The main points being:
01 – Invest in the use of shelves
Woodworking projects are often very expensive, in addition to taking a considerable amount of time to be applied. It is necessary to measure, adapt to existing furniture, check if the walls and location are ideal for this practice, among other obstacles.
Whether your kitchen is made of burnt cement coating, tile or any other material, the use of bars with hooks and shelves is a great alternative, mainly because they can be installed in high places.
In other words, you can have three shelves over your sink, saving a lot of space in your kitchen, gathering all the ingredients, spices and utensils most used in one place, you can even decorate it with some plants to make it more charming.
02 – Decor must be functional
So that the decoration is cheap and worth investing, your kitchen has to be functional, in other words, you have to have the essentials and work on that. In the case, fridge, stove and sink.
All the rest of the decoration will have to be a complement to what already exists in the kitchen, like a set of chairs, some dishcloths used to make the decoration more elegant, plant pot or a window tempered laminated glass.
03 – Choose highlights in the environment
This topic was previously mentioned, but we will come back to extol the importance and relevance of it when decorating your kitchen. Think of appliances and the whole environment of your kitchen as it is today.
You should probably have some object that draws the most attention, like the fridge or the counter. Use this to exalt local beauty, giving special attention to this object when making or creating its decoration.
For example, if that object is yours custom stainless steel countertop, enjoy and place some objects that enhance the beauty of the furniture, as a set of knives or spices separated in small jars. It is the details that enrich the design.
04 – Hang the pots
This design has been increasingly addressed over the past few years, making many people, of all classes of our society, adopt such a strategy, mainly for its practicality and ease of being implanted.
Can be done with small hooks and brackets, saving space inside your kitchen and creating a look that many people expect in a kitchen, bringing a more vintage classic look.
05 – Bet on painting
Just as a building needs a building painting, the kitchen needs a good hand of paint and a look that matches the style you are looking to exhibit. And at that point, we're not just talking about painting the walls.
Invest in new colors, for sure, will bring a certain shine that you need to give the environment that tone again, being able to use the paint to paint even the counters and cabinets, saving a lot of money because, you won't need to buy new cans.
06 – The wallpaper is also valid
Even though the paintings are attractive and quite affordable, from the most common ones to epoxy painting, many prefer to invest the money they would spend on paint and apply it to wallpapers, due to its greater variation in styles.
The biggest advantage of betting on this feature is the amount of styles, geometric shapes, textures, among others. Besides being cheap, compensates for the amount of paint it would take to paint the room.
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07 – Use creativity with common materials
Betting on more common materials may be the key to your kitchen, convenient, quality frame or furniture get the differentiated image you are looking for. In this case, think about how your kitchen can look better with paper coating contact.
Using custom stickers can be the ideal move to leave your kitchen the way you want it. In addition to being very cost-effective, can be applied both on countertops, as in cabinets and even counters.
Other ways to decorate is to use personalized mugs to decorate on the countertops, creating even a more current and geek image that is very fashionable, in case you like it obviously.
Such material is sold in stationery and, normally, in large quantities. A good idea is to mix all these elements described so far and adapt to what fits you best, saving and being functional and practical.
08 – Use pots with plants as decoration
Adapting to the forms of decoration of a few generations ago, the pots with plants are a great alternative to create a more pleasant environment for your kitchen and draw the necessary attention to what the main focuses.
Plants can be both artificial and natural, this will depend on your preference and the time you will need for care. Artificial plants do not need care, but in the case of natural ones you should water regularly and be careful with the leaves.
You can choose porcelain vases, clay or other type of material that you like best and that matches the decoration proposed for the environment, that in that case, it's the kitchen.
Final Considerations
Of course, these tips are extremely valuable for you to decorate your kitchen while spending little, but it is important to realize that they are not absolute and that it will vary a lot depending on what you are looking for for the setting.
Normally, if you are looking for something more peaceful and calm, opt for colder colors that convey greater peace, like white or a very light blue, bringing good energy and causing a smoother impact for those who arrive in the kitchen.
Now, in case you are a more agitated and dynamic person and want to pass that feeling through the kitchen decor, search for warmer, more striking colors, like a yellow, pink and orange.
The most interesting is the variety and possibilities that are at your disposal, being able to mix all these guidelines and tips, thus creating a unique customization for your kitchen environment, which is an important part of the home.
Regardless of your decision, remember also that spending little will depend on your reality and how much you consider how to spend little.
I hope these tips and guidelines have helped you and that you now have a guide on where to start decorating your kitchen. Remember to give her that special and unique touch. Then, where will you start?

This text was originally developed by the blog team Investment Guide, where you can find hundreds of informative content about different segments.