“How to decorate your House with frames” by Jessica Tan

“Como decorar sua casa com quadros” por Jessica Theodoro. Foto: Divulgação.
"How to decorate your House with frames" by Jessica Tan. Photo: Disclosure.
Jessica Theodoro é Designer de Interiores.
Jessica Tan is Interior Designer.

Both frames, photographs, works of art and prints can form part of the decoration from your home, in the most diverse ways and provisions to make the room more and more cozy, charming and with your way.

On the wall we can use them in various ways, as side by side symmetrically, several asymmetrically, just a big Board or have a shelf with some examples exposed.

For any environment, the ideal is to follow the same style as proposed, for example, If your dining room has modern style, We can apply abstract or geometric frames.


Now if your living room is classic, bet on landscapes, portraits or still lifes.

For the fourth, bet on pictures and paintings above the headboard, a creative and fun way. In the case of pictures, will bring a greater affective value to the environment and it is always good to remember those we love.

If you have a colorful wall, the best way to do it is with neutral frameworks to highlight, or if your wall is neutral, a more colorful picture will be very cool.

For those who like to dare a little more, mix textures and paintings as wallpaper.

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Finally, the frames do not have to match the furniture, even among themselves and not even have the wall color or texture. If you are a collector of works of art, Choose an intimate lighting and to highlight even more the work.


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