Collective opens gallery in peripheral neighborhood


The first arts gallery from the outskirts of Espírito Santo will be inaugurated on the day 07 August, in the Cricare district, in São Mateus. Aiming to bring art and culture to the public at Vale do Cricaré, the gallery A Margem is the result of a project by Belas Artes Projetos Culturais. The space was created to give visibility to local and regional artists, through the exhibition of their works and will have guided visits according to schedule, to comply with the security measures established by WHO.

“Life in art flows. We are on the riverbank and as it does not, we do not stagnate. Just like the waters in the river, we circulate with art on our walls. We are on the riverbank and carried by its current we will continue fighting, bringing art and culture to those who are often pushed away by society. In addition to targeting opportunities for local artists, the gallery 'A Margin' aims to bring the community together and bring art and culture to it. The headquarters of Belas Artes is next to two schools in the neighborhood, which will allow teachers and students to take excursions for free visits to the exhibited pieces., aggregating the teaching-learning of students in the neighborhood and region.”, evaluates Marcelo Oliveira, director of the gallery A Margem.

With little access to cultural activities, the gallery is a vision conceived under the coordination of Gabriel Moura, and directed by Marcelo Oliveira. Artists interested in exhibiting their work can contact the coordination for scheduling. The gallery features resident photographer Raphaiane Costa, and with the resident cameraman, Alif Ferreira.

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Belas Artes Projetos Culturais is a Matean dance school, which features Baby Class lessons, Ballet, Rhythmic Ballet, Jazz, Street Dance, Tap dance, Afro and Contemporary Dance. through the C.R.I.A project, Regional Artistic Initiation Collective, covered by the Aldir Blanc Law, via the Espírito Santo Department of Culture, the place also offers courses for young people in visual area functions.: recording, photography, Image editing, among others.

Opening The Margin
Date: 07/08/2021 (Saturday)
Time: 20h
Local: Headquarters of Belas Artes Cultural Projects
Address: Cricaré Avenue 1719 Beira Rio São Mateus ES
Entrance: Free
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