Two brothers Collective presents: Assay Dream – Final part, Maria Maia and Finício – Every end is a new beginning, Ale Maia and Padua


Between the days 7 June and 26 July will take place at Culture Room Leila Diniz double exposure "test on Dream - Final Part and Finício - Every end is a new beginning". For the first time, the brothers Maria Maia and Maia Ale and Padua will exhibit together, in the same room, with different themes, but conversing between their concepts and their DNA. The public may honor the exhibition from Monday to Friday, das 10h às 17h, with free admission.

In "Essay to Dream - Final Part", Maria Maia brings fragments of his memory and encourages the public to access their own memories as well. The artist seeks to rescue the purity of imagination through the memories and proposes a new way of looking at the world. Already Ale Maia and Padua brings drawings made with different techniques and materials and invites the visitor to reflect on the relationship between the end and the beginning, causing a rethink on our own paths.

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Two brothers Collective presents: Assay Dream – Final part, Maria Maia and Finício – Every end is a new beginning, Ale Maia and Padua
Date: 7 from June to 26 July
Time: Das 10h às 17h
Address: Culture room Leila Diniz, Rua Heitor Carrilho, 81 - Niterói Center
Free Entry


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