September came and the spring in the Education CCBB – Art and education!


Are highlights of the program actions aimed at the "Person Fight Week with Disabilities", that brings the show "Sensorium", the Inclusive Dance Group Body Moving. Free entrance.

Dance, theater, mediated visits for groups, educational activities and the "Spring of Museums".

The EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM CCBB - ART AND EDUCATION develops actions to stimulate experience, creation, research and reflection through pedagogical processes, artistic and curatorial. These shares take place through cultural exchange and educational methodologies that ensure broad and inclusive access to equity and diversity. The program interacts with the exhibits and other agendas of the Centro Cultural Banco do Brazil. It is intended for all audiences with inclusive and affirmative action to strengthen relations with the school community, educators, disabled people, families, non-governmental organizations, artists, social movements, professionals from the fields of art, culture and interested.


For the month of September, the program has reserved a number of activities that celebrate Spring Museum It is to give Fight of People with Disabilities, with activities targeted at various audiences including dance, theater, creative workshops for children and adults and scheduled visits for groups.

In honor of Person Fight Week with Disabilities, the Educational CCBB, among other important activities, invited Inclusive Dance group Body Moving to present at CCBB Theater its new show, Sensorium, that searches through sensory stimuli highlight some deficiencies, transmitting various sensations, empathy, overcoming and experiences to the public. The group established by ANDEF (Niteroiense Association of Handicapped) there is 20 years, consists of 10 dancers, four of users wheelchair. The show will be preceded by a conversation among educators of the Educational CCBB and ANDEF about the collaborative process for the development of relational objects, which will be presented to the public. Soon after, all will be invited for a visit to the studio of Mediated books restoration that ANDEF develops the Library of CCBB. With three hours, programming with Inclusive Dance Group will be in the Body Moving day 26, Thursday, at the following times: 15h (conversation circle), 16h (visit) e 17h (dance performance).

In on wednesday, 25 and on Friday, 27, is multiple Ancestral – Person Fight Week with Disabilities with Lucas Lima. Dancer and deaf educator, Lucas Lima will share with the public how the body can be an instrument of communication and expression for people with and without disabilities. Lucas Lima is part of the Arts Center of the Tide. The presentation takes place at 18:30, Ground floor in the CCBB-Rio.

The workshops Place of creation are present in Spring Museum from the first day of September.

To close the month, the Creation of Place - Hand in Hand Special 'Root: Ai Weiwei ' days 28 and 29 September (saturday and sunday) celebrates the Person Fight Week with Disabilities, Establishment Place proposes a game for children and their families where the Brazilian Sign Language will be used to explore the work of artist Ai Weiwei, protagonist of the exhibition on display 'Root: Ai Weiwei '.

In addition to these events offered by the Educational CCBB, They happen daily, the mediated visits with capacity for up to 20 participants, for show 'Ai Weiwei: Root', from 21 August, the fourth place mediated visits, to 18 hours the second and fifth, 12h and 18h.

As “mediated visits"They are offered daily, without prior scheduling, from themes and predefined times. Educators join the audience for dialogue, share and exchange glances, reads and outputs meanings around the productions, practical and artistic trajectories of exhibitions CCBB. The activities are carried out to the end of the exhibition. Register held 15 minutes before each visit, Educational Program - 1º andar.

About Educational CCBB program - Art and Education

The CCBB Educational Program - Art and Education daily promotes specific actions and effective planned to strengthen relations with the school community, educators, non-governmental organizations, artists, social movements, professionals from the fields of art, of culture, aimed at families and inclusion. Actions that stimulate experience, creation, research and reflection through pedagogical processes, artistic and curatorial. These shares take place through cultural exchange and educational methodologies that ensure broad and inclusive access to equity and diversity.

The program interacts with the exhibits and other agendas of the Centro Cultural Banco do Brazil. It is intended for all audiences with inclusive and affirmative action to strengthen relations with the school community, educators, disabled people, families, non-governmental organizations, artists, social movements, professionals from the fields of art, culture and interested.


Extra activity - 'Sensorium’, with the Inclusive Dance Group Body Moving, accompanied by talk Wheel and visit Mediated

Day: 26 September (Thursday)
Timetables: 15h (conversation circle), 16h (visit) e 17h (dance performance)
Duration: 3h
Local: Educational Program - 1º andar, Library and Theater II
Free entrance.

multiple Ansestral – Person Fight Week with Disabilities with Lucas Lima

Days: 25 and 27 September (Wednesday and Thursday)
Time: 18h30
Duration: 1h
Local: Ground floor of the CCBB

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Place of creation
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays - from 11h to 13h and 15h to 17h

All the weekends, the CCBB educators develop a special program aimed at occupation, coexistence, the creation and dialogue with art, integrating children and their families experience processes with art.

Creation of Place - Hand in Hand Special 'Root: Ai Weiwei '
Days: 28 and 29 September (Saturday and Sunday)

Local: Educational Program - 1º andar

Living Space 'Root: Ai Weiwei '
Local: 2º andar

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The Living Space of the Educational Program CCBB - Art and Education invites to meet, to pause and dialogue. It is a place where we welcome all audiences in their differences and singularities, and we affirm our commitment to accessibility, diversity and inclusion.

In addition to exploring the Invitation the ativaçãthe, an almanac that proposes ways to approach the work of Ai Weiwei, you can play with Quoridor, board game and strategy that reaches beyond the frontiers to reach other lands, as in Ai Weiwei universe.

Wake Time: 10h to 20h, second to fourth

mediated visits - exhibition: 'Ai Weiwei: Root'

Wednesday the second – 12h e 18h
Duration: 1h | ability to 20 people
Register held 15 minutes before each visit, Educational Program - 1º andar.

Mediated visits - Patrimonial

Wednesday - 12h
Duration: 1h | ability to 20 people
Register held 15 minutes before each visit, Educational Program - 1º andar.

Mediated visits in Pounds

Saturday - 12h
Duration: 1h | ability to 20 people
Register held 15 minutes before each visit, Educational Program - 1º andar.

Centro Cultural Banco do Brazil - CCBB-Rio - 1st floor and roundabout

From Wednesday to Monday, de 9h às 21h
First Street March, 66 – (21) 3808-2020 (except Tuesday, when the CCBB is closed to the public).
Email to schedule:

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