“César Prada” And what is Art, When is True, but the Most Intense Form of Life?

César Prada é Artista Plástico.
Cesar Prada is an artist.

César Prada

How to deepen in the pictorial universe of an artist? It is possible to delimit the border that separates the own biography, the real life, of that other world that reveal, evoke or creations arise plastic? Does it make sense to formulate the classic dilemma between art and life of the artist? In the case of César Prada, specifically, I think the artist's work and life are inseparable. Sometimes, I would say that the living space of his personal reality (family, people, projects …) merges with the space intimate and sentimental images which appear reflected in his paintings and sculptures.

Trovadora VerdeIn a short novel by Henry James, ‘The Lesson of the Master‘ (The lesson of the master), that is the central question the previous edition, question himself one of his memorable characters:


“And what is art, when it is true, but the most intense form of life?”

MaternidadePrada was born in 1951 on a street flagship, `A Barreira’ the ancient city of Ourense (ou Auria), municipality of Spain. Firstly, it should be stressed family situation: was created within a modest family and very large. Modest in the sense that it is necessary to gain the daily bread. And big is a simple evidence, noting that César Prada is the third child of a total of nine. Let us not forget, yet, the fifties were dark and hard to save all ourensanos.

FiestaBut the future painter and sculptor (currently in its fullness and reaching artistic maturity) is a restless and discontented, who feels a deep curiosity to any new experience. For it is the irresistible call of the horizon of dreams, diving into the adventure of the unknown, the adventure of life. Therefore, is not difficult to imagine him in the streets, home, no Garden of position, learning and assimilating the passionate life lesson. Finally learning, the lesson of Scheherazade, that is: save the life with the help of art, survive the misery, meanness and narrowness of each destination threatening. If Prada, save the life drawing, carving or painting images captured in the mirror of dreams and fantasies.

Cuerda nº1Prada reflected in his works essential feelings of everyday life, the ordinary. To save them from transience: something similar called the poetry of experience or perhaps the word in time D. Antonio Machado.

At the age of 12 years old he began to study painting and sculpture at the School of Arts and Crafts Ourense. Recalls with admiration and gratitude to Master D. Aurelio Churches, who has become a disciple in his studio. But the need is immediate. Soon, his father puts César to work and contribute to sustain the humble family economy. The artistic interests of the young Prada never decreased. From then became an active self-taught in painting and sculpture.

At the age of 15 years, His farewell to official studies is definitive. But his dynamic spirit is nothing strange. Thus, in parallel with the work, develops many hobbies: like to play drums in various bands. Activities that combine work with trade, as several orders of Saints, via crucis, coats and, especially, with the inexorable growth of drawings, paintings and sculptures in his studio.

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AngelAt the age of 22 years married Isabel. The unconditional support of his wife, as well as the encouragement of many people who didn´t doubted of his artistic capabilities (César is a simple man, Awakening sincere friendships and true) determined that concentrate, almost exclusively, in painting and sculpture. Soon came the participations in exhibitions and also, the individual, which achieved a remarkable commercial success and critical.

When Charlemagne was crowned by the Pope Leo III 1983, encouraged again by Isabel, abandoned work. He opened a studio in the basement of a family home, where he made a wide variety of wood carvings, mud, bronze and granite over a decade. At that time most of his works were made by order, devoting many hours to the studio, research and perfectionism own style.

FlautistaBy Vázquez Naval.

I think the world would be better, if humans were good.

César Prada

Ourense – Spain
Facebook Fan Page: http://fb.com / cesarprada.arte
E-mail: cesarprada.0@ Gmail.com

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