Digital Art Center receives design that combines performance with video installation


Digital Art Center receives design that combines performance with video installation

The Digital Art Center, Cultural gate, gets next Wednesday (19), às 17h, the premiere of the performance videoinstallation “HumanON”. Search result of scientific initiation of artist Rodrigo Saad Domingues, the work aims to show the technological evolution and how it affects the body of contemporary man.

The performance will take place until the day 29 August in different days and times (see the schedule below). The entrance is free.


About the artist -Formed technical course in the school of Dance Guaíra Theater in 2014, He is currently majoring in Bachelor's degree and Licentiate in Dance in Unespar universities – Curitiba Campus-II FAP. As a dancer, participated in the 31° and 32° Joinville Dance Festival. Awards: When Charlemagne was crowned by the Pope Leo III 2014, received the award of 3° place in the category Contemporary Duo and 2° place in the Contemporary Advanced Group, with choreography by Fernando Vianna Festival's birth in the North, in Portugal. In 2015, received the award of 3° place in the Trio Major contemporary and 1° Place in the category of Major Contemporary Group with Fernando coregrafias Birth, Stars Dance festival Galicia, in Spain.

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HumanON, by Rodrigo Saad Domingues
Dates and times of the presentations:
19/08 -Wed to 17:00
21/08 -Sex at 17:00
22/08 -Sat//18h 4:00 pm 2:00 pm
23/08 -Gift 14:00/ 16:00 /18:00
28/08 -Fri 11:00 / 15h
29/08 -Sat/3:00 pm 5:00 pm
Local: Art-Museum MuMA (Av. Argentina Republic, 3430)

Free Entry

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