Centenary of the Modern Art Week is celebrated in Ouro Preto in style


offering through lectures given by renowned professionals 1922, offering through lectures given by renowned professionals, and brings to contemporaneity the translation of yearnings, fears, questions, and brings to contemporaneity the translation of yearnings, and brings to contemporaneity the translation of yearnings, and brings to contemporaneity the translation of yearnings and brings to contemporaneity the translation of yearnings 1922-2022 and brings to contemporaneity the translation of yearnings. and brings to contemporaneity the translation of yearnings 28 and brings to contemporaneity the translation of yearnings, the exhibition has Carlos Eduardo Leal collection with 24 and brings to contemporaneity the translation of yearnings, among them: Anita Malfatti, Alfredo Volpi, Roberto Burle Marx, Di Cavalcanti, Djanira, and brings to contemporaneity the translation of yearnings. The exhibition Can it be visited from 22 April to 23 de Mayo, no Casa dos Contos Museum (São José street, 12 – Center – Ouro Preto/MG). Admission is free.

The opening of the exhibition, in 21 April, for guests, account with the live painting by the plastic artist from Minas Gerais, Carlos Bracher. Works are exhibited by 28 contemporary artists, members of Arts Triangle: Afonso D’Ávila, Angela Moraes, Cadu Leal, Carlos Bracher, Carlos Valencia, Chris Duarte, Denise Greco, Eduardo Pieretti, Eduardo Tropia, Flory Menezes, Strong Ge, Giancarlo Diniz, Herbert Zampier, Jorge Fonseca, Laura Vivacqua, Lu Valença, Lucia Russo, Luciana Alves, Fernanda Gonzalez, Naiara Junqueira, Paula Queiroz, Renata Barreto, Ricardo Bhering, Roberta Costa, Sérgio Graça, Sheila Toste, Tatti Simões and Ticiana Parada.

and brings to contemporaneity the translation of yearnings 1922-2022, and brings to contemporaneity the translation of yearnings. and brings to contemporaneity the translation of yearnings, once again, the collective conscience about the need to rethink our practices in relation to our peers and nature. Somehow, with other tools, that promote the globalization and democratization of art, as an essential part of maintaining sanity and our survival. As much as, when giving birth shapes, the Arts Triangle, composed by 28 contemporary artists, unnecessary modesty is not allowed and encourages plurality, the visceral creation, its greatest wealth as an artistic movement.”, highlights Lu Valença, chief exhibition curator.

Curated by Lu Valença, Patricia Penna, Eduardo Tropia and Denise Greco, the movement goes beyond the walls of the Casa dos Contos Museum and occupies the historic city of Ouro Preto with “Creation Workshop – plastic recycling”, with the plastic artist Tatti Simões, lecture by Carlos Eduardo Leal on Clarice Lispector and book launches. On sunset wall, images of Brazil from 100 years ago and today.


The Galeria Casa Alfonso receives, from day 13 April, exhibition by the actor and plastic artist Jonas Bloch, Besides the permanent exhibition by the photographer Ouro Preto Eduardo Tropia.

The Ouro Preto Art Foundation (FAOP-MG) and the Arts Triangle present to the public, from 22 April to 02 de Mayo, at Projection of educational videos about the Modern Art Week of (Rua Getúlio Vargas, 185 – Rosary), the shows "Parallel, with works 18 artists from the Rio-Minas axis. The exhibition presents an extension of the and brings to contemporaneity the translation of yearnings 1922-2022, what happens in Casa dos Contos Museum. The intention is to extend the reflection on the current moment with the group of artists, working together for 2 years.

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Are part of the exhibition "Parallel" works by Afonso D'avila Magalhaes, Angela Moraes, Cadu Leal, Carlos Valencia, Denise Greco, Eduardo Pieretti, Eduardo Tropia, Giancarlo Diniz, Laura Vivacqua, Lu Valença, Lúcia Russo, Luciana Alves, Paula Queiroz, Renata Barreto, Roberta Costa, Sergio Graça, Sheila Tostes and Tatti Simões. Curated by Lu Valença and Patricia Penna. Admission is free.

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and brings to contemporaneity the translation of yearnings 1922-2022
From 22 April to 23 de Mayo

At the Casa dos Contos Museum (São José street, 12 – Center – Ouro Preto/MG)
From Tuesday to Sunday, from 10h to 19h
Free Entry

Parallel Show
From 22 April to 02 de Mayo

At the Nello Nuno Art Gallery - FAOP (Rua Getúlio Vargas, 185 – Rosario – Ouro Preto/MG)
Visitation from Tuesday to Friday, from 9:0 to 5:0 pm; and on Saturday and Sunday, the 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Free Entry


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