CCBB Theater resumes activities with “Poem Bar”, a music and poetry recital with Alexandre Borges, João Vasco, Mariana de Moraes and Sofia Vitória

Poema Bar Show, list. Photo: João Vasco.

The Banco do Brasil Brasília Cultural Center resumes its theater activities with the Luso-Brazilian recital of music and poetry: Poem Bar Delicate and intimate, the show, that brings Alexandre Borges in the direction and on the stage alongside the Portuguese pianist João Vasco and the singers Mariana de Moraes and Sofia Vitória, reverence the … Read more

Arcênico Nucleus of Creations discusses the emptiness of human relationships in the virtual show ‘Silence’

'Silence' show, of the Arcenic Core of Creations. Photo: Guilherme Di Curzio.

Assembly revisits the origins of the Rio-Pretense collective, that was born from the meeting of graduates of Performing Arts at the University of Londrina. Premiere has exhibitions days 24, 25 and 26 November With almost a decade of trajectory in the artistic scene of São José do Rio Preto, the Arcenic Nucleus of Creations returns to its … Read more

Dream Circus in the Fantasy World

Dream Circus in the Fantasy World. Photo: Ecoblues.

Ministry of Tourism, Special Secretariat of Culture and UOL present “CIRCUS OF DREAMS IN THE WORLD OF FANTASY”. Completely reformulated, the show brings to the scene a fantastic adventure in a magical kingdom full of action and enchantment, with new artists and new attractions. The presentations will take place in Guaianazes from 13 November, com preços aRead more

Webserie Baker's Chapters relates show research to current Brazil

The Baker Chapters - Beto Matos and Cristiane Zuan Esteves. Photo: personal archive.

Divided into 10 chapters, webseries shows the unfolding of the original dramaturgy of the play The Story of Baker, by Cristiane Zuan Esteves and Beto Matos. Each day an online conference piece is presented with guest participation, who discuss with the public topics researched for editing. Winner of the Zé Renato Theater Award at … Read more

Project 'Palhaférico' promotes cycle of debates on black protagonism in clowning

Photo: Disclosure (Mariana Gabriel) | Edson Lopes Junior (Miguel Arcanjo Prado) | Belisario Tonsich (Maurício Tizumba).

Invited to the chats are Mariana Gabriel, Miguel Arcanjo Prado and Mauricio Tizumba. Project still foresees debut of street theater show, sessão de cinema e workshop Quem são as palhaças e os palhaços negros que fizeram história no Brasil? Essa pergunta norteia o projeto “Palhaféricos”, contemplated by the VAI program 2019 – Valorização deRead more

Inspired by Ingmar Bergman, the immersive play ‘As Words from Our House’ gets an online version and quite different on the Zoom platform

Actors Glau Gurgel Adriana Camara and Gizelle Menon. Photo: Zoom capture.

Adriana House direction, the show of the Immersion Theater Nucleus made a season at Casa das Rosas with all the sessions full. Virtual season opens on the day 18 de July Audience success at Casa das Rosas, the immersive show “As Palavras da Nossa Casa”, of the Immersion Theater Center, had its season interrupted … Read more

Italian Cultural Institute of Rio de Janeiro offers four unpublished performances by renowned Italian theater director Pippo Delbono for free

Orchidee Show (orchids). Photo: Disclosure.

Italian Cultural Institute of Rio de Janeiro offers four unpublished shows by renowned Italian theater director Pippo Delbono in six different languages. Unprecedented in the history of theater, a iniciativa única envolveu mais de dez instituições culturais no mundo inteiro. The next show to be made available will be Orchidee (orchids), on Saturday, 20. Toda programaçaoRead more

E-Dinner Online Theater Show

E-Dinner Online Theater Show, card - featured. Disclosure.

Programming 08 to 10 May Dinners, music, lives, chats, Testimonials, theatrical content and expressions on the internet All weekends in May, from sixth to sunday, at various determined times, “E-CENA” happens, SHOW ONLINE THEATER ". One of the festival's goals is to get out of the “theater bubble” and expand, … Read more

[CANCELED] Inspired by true secrets of anonymous people, 'Tell No One' debut SP Theater School Day 27 March

With text by Luan Carvalho and direction by Stephane Sousa, Spectacle Collective Pulsating flirts with Luigi Pirandello and the theater of the absurd of Samuel Beckett, além do drama existencialista de Jean-Paul Sartre Segredos de pessoas comuns coletados durante uma intervenção urbana são o ponto de partida para a dramaturgia de “Não Conte a Ninguém”, … Read more

Culture Room Leila Diniz presents "Pirates and Princesses"

On the second Saturday of March, day 14, Leila Diniz Culture Room receives Cia Infocus for another edition of Cultural Giro. At 12 hours will be displayed, for free, the play "Pirates and Princesses", que conta a história de Pedrinho e de como foram suas férias na casa de praia de suaRead more
