55SP inaugurates exhibition space in São Paulo with works 25 Brazilian artists

Shows in partnership with Jacaranda Platform will photogravure Vik Muniz, Nuno Ramos and Luiz Zerbini São Paulo, March 2018 – 55SP opens on the next day 3 April, Tuesday, at 19h, its exhibition space in São Paulo, in the Santa Cecilia neighborhood. For the opening of the site, a 55SP performs a … Read more

Memorial Curitiba receives unprecedented show of paintings Nini Policappelli

In celebration of the anniversary of the city, the Curitiba Cultural Foundation opens next Tuesday (27/03) at 19h, the show "Policappelli Presents", exhibiting Italian paintings based in Curitiba, Nina Policappelli. The exhibition occupies the Memorial Hall Paranaguá Curitiba and will present 40 works from the personal collection of the artist. A homenagem aRead more

Girl Square Shopping receives the exhibition "Arts and Crafts"

Exhibition assembles 26 works by the artist Rudi Nicks, depicting a peculiar way many contemporary afazares and its practitioners; from 22 March to 22 de Abril When making technical illustrations of construction sites, outlining the day workers ' day, offsets of machinery and equipment, o artista Rudi Nicks iniciava sua carreiraRead more

trance art: energy that turns abstract into concrete

The artist Bebel Mello inaugurates Solar exposure in the next day 28 March Energy. This is the word that translates Solar display name, the artist Bebel Mello, which is on display in Santorini Home Design, in Itaipava (Petrópolis-RJ), between days 28 March and 12 April this year. … Read more

Curitiba receives 3D display for the visually impaired

The Museum of Curitiba City Photography receive, from this Friday (16/3), De Exposure Photography to Tactography, Artist Gabriel Bonfim, Brazilian living in Switzerland. The show is specially designed for the visually impaired through Tactography technology, técnica suíça que escaneia o objeto fotografado e mapeia as proporçõesRead more

Italian city hosts exhibition with Brazilian artists

The project "Seas, Colors and Star Guide "will be in Rome days 24 to 31 de March Curated by Angela de Oliveira and coordinated by the event promoter and art critic, Monica Ferrarini, the cultural project "Seas, Colors and Stars Guide ", four years down the road and passes by several countries, disembark at … Read more

Digital Art Center receives Muma productions in art and technology

This Tuesday (13/3), Digital Art Center Curitiba Municipal Art Museum (Muma) - Cultural Gate - receives Shows NATFAP. The exhibition will present experimental work in Digital Art at the Center for Art and Technology of Parana Arts College (FAP). On display until 6 April, every … Read more

ATELIÊ'S project, collective painting, plural art

Opening: 14 March 2018, 19h Visitation: By 20 de Abril Idealization and Curatorship Iara Abreu The proposal of the ATELIÊ'S Project is to provoke a reflection on the paradigm of artistic production, breaking the logic of solitary and individualistic design that usually prevail in the visual arts. Iara Abreu convida diversos artistas com quem tem algumaRead more

Exhibition: "MEETINGS" realization of Angels Art Studio Mary of the Angels by Edmundo Oliveira Cavalcanti

Another event curator Maria dos Anjos Oliveira and Angels Art Studio, that is sure to be a great success. This event will bring together a group of talented artists and known in the art world in Brazil and abroad,worth knowing. The event happened in space Jho Mabe Space Art & Culture … Read more

Photos of Juan Esteves in the exhibition "Elysian Fields" reveal a utopian São Paulo

The exhibition features a selection of 40 the photographs of "Elysian Fields – history and images ", book by photographer Juan Esteves and Antonio Carlos Suster Abdalla, This responsible for editorial coordination. The Porto Seguro Cultural Space presents “Campos Elíseos”, unprecedented exhibition of images by photographer Juan Esteves. The show brings together a set of 40 photographs … Read more