Arceburgo in Focus II by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Celebrating its 38 years dedicated to the arts, the Bric Brac Gallery and his dealer Cloves Kings have exposure “Arceburgo in Focus II”, collective of art that brings together renowned Brazilian artists, participants of the 28th. Hall Official City of Arceburgo Art – MG, occurred in June 2014. The Exhibition is also charitable … Read more

“VISUAL URBAN CULTURE” by Aline Calamara

“VISUAL URBAN CULTURE” by Aline Calamara CasaShopping gathers six of the most important artists of the Brazilian urban art and promotes charity auction for Child Heart Pro unpublished works project six important contemporary artists - Antonio Bokel, Joana Cesar, Mario Bands, Marcelo Macêdo, Pedro Sanchez and Piá (Marcio Ribeiro) will be auctioned on 30 August, … Read more

Exhibition “Gueishas” – Individual of the Artist Carolina Saidenberg in Gallery Amî by Edmundo Cavalcanti

The exhibition "Gueishas", the artist Carolina Saidenberg, features paintings inspired series in the Eastern world, with emphasis on gueishas and oriental courtesans. The public is invited to unravel the mysteries behind now looks sad, now inquirers, lost in time, a closed world full of mysteries, that cannot survive outside … Read more

“Today Africa in MAR” by Adriane Constante

“Today Africa in MAR” By Adriane Constant Art Museum of Rio, through the School Look, performs the second step of the project that shows the diversity of the African continent in the days 9 and 10 August, o Museu de Arte do Rio – MAR vai promover a segunda etapa do programa ÁfricaRead more

Exhibition “The Blue Sea is for Everyone”, Grace arnus by Sergio Wolf Rock

Exhibition “The Blue Sea is for Everyone”, Grace arnus by Sérgio Rocha Dear Wolf(to) Friend(to), I am pleased to invite you to the exhibition "The blue sea is for everyone", the artist Grace arnus, no Hall do Centro de Atividade do Sesc – Palmas, from 04 to 28 August … Read more

Piola Gardens invites for Artists Collective Exhibition: “The gaps in the Contemporary Brazilian Art History” by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Gaps in the history of contemporary Brazilian art, not understood as a period itself, but perhaps and most likely as the beginning of an era marked by reflections. And not just a surface reflection, but a profound questioning of contemporary own in search of the noble goal of a new reality. Your endless searches … Read more

Paranaense Capital is host to literary gathering

Capital Paranaense is literary gathering stage for the National Book Week promises to bring more literature to Curitiba receives between days 25 to 27 July week the National Book. The event will be attended by various authors Paraná, plus samples of literary works and chat with authors and, poets … Read more

Art Exhibition “Do Outro Lado da Bola”

Art Exhibition “Do Outro Lado da Bola” Vernissage: 07/06/2014 18h Duration: 08/06 to 31/08/2014 Collective of Artists: Adriana Woll Monica Rizzolli José de Quadros Ronaldo de Carvalho [tweet] Local: Galerie Monika Beck Endereco: Am Schwedenhof 4, 66424 Homburg/Saar-Schwarzenacker – Germany [googlemap src=”” width =”620″ height =”330″ align=”aligncenter” ] . De quarta à sexta das 16-20h eRead more

Collective Exhibition – The Second World War by Rod Pereira

COLLECTIVE EXHIBITION – World War II by Rod Pereira: 17 to 31 OF JULY OF 2014 CURATOR: ALEXANDRE REIDER E PEDRO DA COSTA. LOCAL: SALA DE EXPOSIÇÕES TEMPORÁRIA 01 Forte Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil RELEASE: There are 75 anos começava o maior conflito armado entre nações que mudou o panorama geopolítico do séculoRead more

XXVIII Salon of Plastic Arts of Arceburgo by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Was performed, on Saturday, day 14 of June, the official opening of the XXVIII Salon of Plastic Arts of Arceburgo, Minas Gerais. The event, idealized by Mrs. Arline Rosa Longo De Boni and Dr. Orlando Lodovici, being done by the Instituto Histórico e Cultural de Arceburgo since the year 1986. O Instituto Histórico e CulturalRead more
