Last week the exhibition Salvador Dalí in Rio CCBBs by Adriane Constant

Last week the exhibition Salvador Dalí in Rio CCBBs by Adriane Shows Constant has received more than 800 thousand visitors, going ahead of major exhibitions of the artist performed last year in Europe. At the weekend, The cultural center will open at 9am on Saturday and only close to 21h Sunday, By staying open 36 hours … Read more

“Love of art and skateboard” by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Show Sk8Art4Life-Skate Art I already commented on my profile on the face, sample of polystyrene spheres, umbrellas and now shapes of skateboards, fantastic, the talents of Brazilian artists, no matter how long the road, or which tribe or class they belong, Art is art. Can make art, on a wall, in a can, in … Read more

Book launch CABEÇA, of Milton Machado in CCBB-Rio by Carolina Oliveira

Milton Machado lança, on Monday, às 18h30, auditorium on the 4th floor of the Rio CCBBs-book HEAD, which shows the trajectory of the artist through his major works, historical texts, critical and analytical, and an unpublished essay by critic and researcher Guilherme Bueno. A discussion with the artist and psychoanalyst, teacher and writer Tânia Rivera … Read more

Pororoca – A Amazônia no MAR by Adriane Constante

Pororoca - The Amazon in SEA by Adriane Constant Art Museum of Rio is exposed to the art collection from the Amazon region 9 September to 23 th November of 2014 Primeiro andar do Pavilhão de Exposições Conversa na Galeria: 9 September, at 11h and 15h, com o curador Paulo Herkenhoff eRead more

Exhibition “Raining Art” by Edmundo Cavalcanti

I'm increasingly enamored with the creativity of the Brazilian artist, this time it was proved, with the exhibition promoted by Sciacco Studio Art Office, What happened at the Club “A Hebraica” Marc Chagall Hall in São Paulo-SP from 21 to 24 August. Part of the income from the umbrellas was reverted to … Read more

Exhibition "Latifúndios", of the artist Raimundo Rodriguez by Chandra Santos

A new story to be told in the MAC and Urban Macquinho Digital Platform from the exhibition "latifundia", Raimundo Rodriguez, in Niterói. Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói Abertura: 13 September, às 17h Exposição: 13 September to 5 October 2014 Intervention in the MACquinho Digital Urban Platform, no … Read more

Fine Arts Exhibition "Amores e Fantasias" of Carlos Zemek

Fine Arts Exhibition of Carlos Amores and Fantasies Zemek EXHIBITION OF ARTS “AMORES E FANTASIAS” BOOK LAUNCH “GIRLS, AMORES E FANTASIAS” VERNISSAGE: 14 SEPTEMBER, 11 In the hours Solar do Rosário, Duque de Caxias Street 04, Historic Center of Curitiba – PR. FREE ENTRY! [tweet] Invitation of the Event: [facebook] Check the map below: … Read more

Lecture “A house built with words: The Museum of Innocence in Istanbul” Pedro Afonso Junior Vasquez by Nelson

Lecture “A house built with words: The Museum of Innocence in Istanbul” Pedro Afonso by Nelson Vasquez Junior A unique and exciting symbiosis between literary universe and the museum, is the arena that promises the photographer Pedro Vasquez, entitled “A house built with words: The Museum of Innocence in Istanbul”. The event … Read more

Art Museum of Rio and Universidade Candido Mendes open unpublished MBA Management Museums Open to the Public Lecture by Adriane Constant

Art Museum of Rio and Universidade Candido Mendes open unpublished MBA Management Museums Open to the Public Lecture by Adriane Constant Candido Mendes University – UCAM – LAUNCHES UNIQUE MBA IN MANAGEMENT OF MUSEUMS IN PARTNERSHIP WITH ARTS MUSEUM OF RIO (MAR) SERGIO SA Pig, MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF CULTURE, E ANGELORead more

MAR Show opens on Art and Education by Adriane Constant

MAR Show opens on Art and Education by Adriane Constant Art Museum of Rio - MAR opens on Tuesday (26), às 10h, exposure "There are schools that are cages and there are schools that are wings." Art and Society in Brazil 2. The show features about 180 pieces by artists such as Adriana Varejao, Paulo Bruscky, NelsonRead more
