The nature of Luiz Claudio Marigo on display at Memorial

Curitiba Memorial opens this Friday (4), at 19h, the exhibition "Luiz Claudio Marigo-Photographer and Environmentalist". In addition to the display of 37 photographic images of flora and fauna, will be projected a video of interviews and significant work of cutouts Marigo. The victim of a heart attack, the photographer died on 2 of June … Read more

Curitiba Memorial receives the photographic exhibition ' Roma ', Rogerio Ferrari

Curitiba Memorial receives next Friday (4), from the 7:30 pm, a photo exhibition which shows the everyday life of Roma in a distant perspective of stereotypes that commonly the label. The work is the photographer Rogério Ferrari which features 23 images, in black and white, 60 dimensions×40 cm. Realizada em parceria com aRead more

“Stories to restless hearts” in the Villa Wolf

The Villa Wolf receives this Thursday (3), às 19h30, the Pessimist “Stories to restless hearts”. The meeting is the latest in 2015 and reserve readings on the universe of love, the hatred and the desire in texts and songs of Drummond, Caetano Veloso, Vinícius de Morais, Miranda July, Nedjma, Veríssimo, Chico Buarque, Marina Colasanti, Adelia Prado, … Read more

Home reading Nair de Macedo has special Christmas programming

Home reading Nair de Macedo, in Guabirotuba, prepared a special programming for children in this month of December. The "Literary Christmas" will have price movements of stories and Christmassy themed reading wheels. One of the attractions is the wheel of reading "the Haunted Christmas Scrooge", sobre o clássico de Charles DickensRead more

Samba national day will be celebrated on Wednesday in the mouth Fucking

Pacers, percussionists, interpreters and bambas locations take over Mouth Fucking this Wednesday (2), the 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm, to celebrate the national day of Samba. On the schedule are provided for presentations from more than 60 musicians playing samba de partido alto, Samba de raiz, Samba rock, pagoda, Samba song, Samba among other styles. To close … Read more

SEA conducts Sustainability Seminar, Art and education

From 2 to 6 th December 2015 – School Look Free registration on site: the Museum of art of River-SEA, under the management of the Institute Odeon, performs, Look through the school and in partnership with DOW, o Seminário Sustentabilidade, Education and Art. The program involves workshops, conferences … Read more

Winners of the Photo Contest Prix Photo Web French Alliance 2015 will be announced on the day 02 December

The Alliance Française Gallery Botafogo opens on Wednesday, 02 of december, of 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, the exposure of the Prix Photo Web winners 2014. The public may view the three winners of the Edition that had as its theme ' feast day in Brazil or France '. The 30 fotografias que compõem a exposiçãoRead more

Classic Elizabeth Taylor will appear at Sesc Sorocaba

The attraction is part of the project ' Evening of Cinema ', with the theme "Divas of the seventh art ' in December, the project "Cinema afternoons" brings to the public classic films starring Elizabeth Taylor. The works will be displayed at the unit. To join the session, basta retirar os ingressos com uma hora de antecedência naRead more

' K ' Optical Poetry installation will be at Sesc Sorocaba till the end of year

Work merges geometric plans with fragmented texts and has free visitation by Felipe Julián, composer, Cultural producer and DJ, the installation "Poetry K Optics" will be in the area of technology and arts of Sesc Sorocaba of 1 30 of december. The visitation is Tuesday through Friday, the 1:30 pm to 9:30 pm, … Read more

Ricardo Camargo exhibition and installation of Horace Althabe gain prominence in Sesc Sorocaba

Attractions in the Manual Arts programming throughout the month of December, the Manual Arts programming of Sesc brings public exposure in Sorocaba photographer Ricardo Camargo and an installation of artist Horace Althabe, both with free entry and free rating. 1 the 31 of december, Tuesday to Friday, from … Read more
