Globe brings together experts to talk about the economic crisis in new edition of Cultures

Mara Luquet and Eduardo Moreira will debate the subject, day 10, at the Globo Kiosk The economic crisis that has affected the pockets of Brazilian families is the theme of the day's Sea of ​​Cultures 10 of december, Thursday, at 19h, in the Kiosk of the Globe, in Copacabana. For the meeting entitled "Shoo crisis: como superar osRead more

This month Ilustradoria project promotes trade fair of zines and shows of drawings

Evento tem como proposta disseminar a arte da ilustração independente O projeto Ilustradoria, developed for designers, will have, in its last edition of the year, a trade fair of zines (independent illustration magazines) and shows of drawings. The event will be held on 10 of december, farm, at 18h, na área de convivência doRead more

Alliance Française carries out chat about the importance of the work of Simone de Beauvoir in literature, in the movies and in the lives of women

Filmmaker Lucia Murat and Léonard Collette debate the theme and the director's latest film, ' In three acts ', based on the texts of the French writer Next Wednesday, 09, às 19h30, the Auditorium of the Alliance Française Botafogo receives filmmaker Lucia Murat and film expert Leonard Collette to the chat “Da literaturaRead more

Home reading Augusto Stresser celebrates anniversary with special programming

A special selection of works of foreign literature marks the birthday of programming Reading Augusto Stresser, This week, from 8 to 11 of december. The contemporary American authors Paul Auster, Candace Fleming and Lemony Snicket, In addition to the Russian writer of the century 19 Aleksei Tolstoy, foram os escolhidos por suas narrativas originais paraRead more

Zumba comes to the Kiosk of the Globe to complete the programming space

Free classes happen Wednesdays and Fridays, at 19h, by March. Opening will be the day 8 December with the participation of Professor Karla Mead From the day 8 of december, who pass by the Copacabana Boardwalk can participate for free Zumba class Globe kiosk. A novidade chega para completar a programação doRead more

Sesc Sorocaba promotes shows of animation with audio description and caption

Event is part of the Week in the afternoon of the day Inclusive 6 of december, Sunday, às 14h, the hall 1 SESC Sorocaba, you will see a movie Marathon, in "animation Shows with audio description and Caption", with free entry. The event is part of the Inclusive Week, realizada pelo Sesc São Paulo em parceria com a SecretariaRead more

Puppet show pays homage to immigrants

' Grandpa ', of Cla. Truks, uses a playful language and full of poetry the Cia puppet theater. Truks will be featured at Sesc Sorocaba theater on the day 6 of december, Sunday, at 4:00 pm, with the presentation of the show “Vovô”, aimed at children. Admission is free for those who have up to 12 years of … Read more

Globe closed season 2015 The Carioca big date

Commemorative Edition of end of year comes the Marechal Hermes on the day 5 December with music and exhibitions of films and plays In 2015, the big date Rio de Janeiro celebrates another successful season and closed its third edition on the day 5 of december, Saturday, at the Teatro Armando Gonzaga, in Marechal Hermes. The … Read more

Sesc Sorocaba offers course and workshop Visual Arts in December

Public can learn drawing techniques with great professionals in the field Creativity for the visual arts will take place in December at Sesc Sorocaba. During the month, always on Saturdays and Sundays, the public may attend a course in watercolor and also an open workshop of scribbles. Both attractions are free. … Read more

Solar do Barão will have art fair this weekend

The Solar do Barão will be in full swing this weekend, with the exhibition of art objects. Approximately 60 artists will be at Solar showing and selling his works as Christmas gift option. There will be launching of books and music concerts with the Gay Chanson and Madrigal Choir. A Feira Solar aconteceRead more
