V Municipal Cultural Conference happens this weekend

The Municipal Cultural Conference of Curitiba will be held next weekend, from 18 to 20 of december, in the Auditorium of the Instituto Federal do Paraná. The three days will be devoted to debate on the Municipal Cultural Plan. The more than 200 delegates elected in the sectorial pre-Conference, free and regional, realizadas duranteRead more

Solar do Barão presents exhibition of Dumke and collective of photographers Rones

The Manor of Baron opens this Thursday (17) new exhibitions: "The art of illuminating Dumke Saila", "Jerusalem – Solange Benasulin Photos", "Bodies-Paraná Photographers Conference" and "portraits with Coffee", de Dirceu Veiga. The Rones Dumke artist presents a total of 28 works in the collage and printmaking techniques, divided into … Read more

Exhibition of Posters of the FCC and the evolution of graphic design in Curitiba

The exhibition "Cultural Foundation in Poster-more than 40 Years of history "arrives at the Municipal Museum of art – Cultural Gate, where remains of 17 from December to 10 January 2016. A história da FCC é contada através dos cartazes criados por designers visando a divulgação de programas e eventos promovidos pelaRead more

Paiol Theater brings together lectures by immigrants and refugees from seven countries

The issue of immigration and global borders was one of the most debated and discussed in 2015. It is estimated that if added only the number of refugees, displaced or refugee seekers, the population obtained would have enough size to occupy the position of 24th most populous nation in the world. In recent months, foram muitasRead more

Exhibition of Ricardo Calderon is attraction at Sesc Sorocaba

Show brings photographs that portray professionals in almost extinct trades Sesc Sorocaba brings this month the show “Olhares do Ofício”, the photographer Ricardo Camargo, available for visitation 4 to 31 of december, Tuesday to Friday, from 9:00 to 9:30 pm and, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, from 10:0 to 6:30 pm, in the exhibition space. The … Read more

Book Between four walls of poetry ' will release in the Sesc Sorocaba

The work brings together copyright work of four young authors Sesc Sorocaba will promote, on 12 of december, Saturday, the 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm, in the library, an event to launch the book "Between four walls of Poetry", by Brandin Marchini, Marcela Patel, Raquel Colonel and Thaciana Rao. Admission is free. É sempre entre quatroRead more

Winning works of the Ibema Award on display at the Museum of Engraving

The Museum of engraving, at Solar do Barão, opens this Friday (11), at 19h, the exhibition of 20 selected works in 5° Ibema Engraving Award. Public student-oriented and designed to promote the culture of engraving in Brazil, the award of this year had 183 works entered and 105 works. In this edition, R$ 13 thousand were distributed … Read more

Thais Gulin singer will perform at Sesc Sorocaba

A musicista é considerada uma das grandes revelações pela revista Rolling Stone A cantora Thaís Gulin fará um show no teatro do Sesc Sorocaba no dia 11 of december, Friday, at 9:00 pm, at the theatre. In addition to his songs, She will present readings of great national and international names in music. Os ingressos estão disponíveis na CentralRead more

Biggest festival of lights in Latin America, Mapping River Festival begins on Thursday, 10, with intervention in the Park of the ruins

The Festival is housed in various parts of the city and State of Rio de Janeiro 10 to 20 December Rio de Janeiro receives from 10 to 20 December the second edition of the Mapping Festival River, considered today the largest festival of lights in Latin America, e oferece ao público a oportunidade deRead more

Sesc Sorocaba offers ecopráticas workshops in December

Cultivo de orquídeas e produção de hortas verticais são algumas das atrações A programação de meio ambiente do Sesc Sorocaba traz, in the month of December, ecopráticas workshops and chat about domestic waste reduction. All activities, carried out in days 10, 12 and 17, are free. To participate, basta retirar os ingressos com umaRead more
