Marvelous city celebrates birthday with another edition of the River from my eyes

Praça Mauá will receive the globe project which features DJs, projections, stunts and spectacle of lights in the day 5 March, Saturday, a partir das 18h O Rio de Janeiro vai mergulhar em uma experiência única que mistura arte e tecnologia para comemorar seu aniversário de 451 years. No período em que os olhares seRead more

NAR promotes restoration and conservation course in BUT

Course of conservation and restoration of Easel painting on the NAR – Arts core, Conservation and restoration, in partnership with the Government of the State of São Paulo, Department of culture and the Museum of sacred art of São Paulo, promotes a course of conservation and restoration of Painting on Easel. A didática do NAR é compostaRead more

Exhibition history of comics curitibanos through his characters

The chronology of the comic books of the city through his characters are in the exhibition "Fabulous Gallery of comic Characters of Curitiba", that opens next Friday (4), at 19h, in the room the Pencil engraving Museum, at Solar do Barão. Curated by Fulvio Pacheco, the exhibition in sticker album format has … Read more

Women's month, Troythulu exposes ‘ ’ Poetics, female-themed paintings

The nudity of the female soul, in art writing, spoken and visual, travels throughout history a trajectory that causes profound interest and mystery. The unveiling of this feminine universe, so excited, Sung, poetizado and colorful, still hiding subtle nuances that provide us with new enchantments. In shows “Poetics”, in the 1st poster 30 March from 10am to 7pm … Read more

The Cultural Foundation of Curitiba present in the national cultural policy

The President of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba, Marcos Cordiolli, participates on Wednesday (2), in Brasília, the 2nd National Meeting of Municipal Managers of Culture. As a National member and former president of the Forum of Culture Secretaries of Capital and Metropolitan Regions, Cordiolli was invited by President forum, Leonidas Oliveira, from Belo Horizonte, para discutirRead more

Last days to see the press conference “Who live, Summer!” in the Neba Gallery

The third edition of the show “Who live, Summer!” is coming to an end in the next day 05 March on Sergio Gonçalves Gallery. The group exhibition brings together works by 46 artists honoring the station that has the face of Rio – the summer. Differential “This year the Gallery opened a summons via Facebook, throwing hand … Read more

The infinite poem of Wlademir Dias-Pino

From 1st March to 5 June 2016 2floor of the Exhibition Hall Gallery talk: 1º March, às 16h O Museu de Arte do Rio – MAR, under the management of the Institute Odeon, apresenta O poema infinito de Wlademir Dias-Pino, que traz ao conhecimento do público a obra de umRead more

EXHIBITION SCRAPBOOK – Dinorá Bohrer Silva is Adelia Prado

Maria Rita promotion Cultural Paths, There's inauguration the next day 29 in February an exhibition of tapestries of clipping, developed in recent 15 years, from the relationship of the Gaucho artist Dinorá Bohrer Silva with the poetic work of Adelia Prado mining. Coordination of the exhibition “Great Desire – Dinorá Bohrer Silva meets Adélia … Read more

Sesc Sorocaba presents “Yellow Submarine” for children

Show features the soundtrack from the animated Beatles film The B Side Project (BÊ) SESC Sorocaba, that promotes all last Saturday of the month, music shows aimed at assessment of parents, mothers and guardians with babies and toddlers, brings in February presentation of children's musical animated Yellow Submarine, baseada emRead more

Like, The beach takes The show Marchistas and promotes wellness activities in the Kiosk of the Globe

Free project the network happens in the day 27 February, Saturday, from 9am The Short, The beach is going to invade once again Globe kiosk, in Copacabana, with a free programming that includes volleyball classes, footvolley, Football, Zumba, Wellness activities, like yoga and stretching, e ações esportivas com as Confederações OlímpicasRead more