The CCBB Rio open, in 15 de Mayo, at 18h, the exhibition "Yes! We Have Bikini "

Exhibition assembles 120 works to celebrate the 70 years of costume that turned the woman's behavior, promoting dialogue between fashion and art, In addition to addressing current issues such as female empowerment and standards of beauty imposed by society. A revolução causada por umas das peças mais icônicas do vestuário feminino é o temaRead more

Art Gallery of FCPEMG Cultural Foundation presents the exhibition of Primitivism to Lyricism

Aneto Opening: 11 de Mayo, Thursday, to 19 h – until 30 June 2017 The exhibition of Primitivism to Lyricism seeks to outline the course, the selflessness and overcoming of Dill in your personal life and artistic. The painter, recognized as a faithful disciple of Guignard, features 30 works in different formats and techniques, que abrangem suaRead more

New book from a writer in an atmosphere of Mining season of autumn

Mining Writer Launches Third Book. The writer Terezinha Maria Henriques P, born in Juiz de Fora, residing currently at Itanhandu-Sul de Minas, will be releasing the book Between autumn leaves – Poems and Chronicles. Local: State Public Library Luiz De Bessa – Freedom Square, 21 – Art Gallery. Date: 10 of May 2017 (on wednesday). … Read more

The exhibition Visual Arts Occupation notice 2017 the FCS

The series Look modes, Interference of engraving Jean-Baptiste Debret. Isabel Löfgren and Patricia Gouvea, 2016. Disclosure.

Gallery Luis Corrêa Lima-Black Mom, of Isabel Löfgren and Patricia Gouvea Period: 12 of May to 13 August Site: Palácio das Artes Address: Av. Afonso Pena, 1537 -Free entrance to Center information for the public: (31) 3236-7400 In May the Clóvis Salgado Foundation of Belo Horizonte, inaugurates exhibitions by selected artists … Read more

Ponteio and receive Leader Ricardo Gaioso

The Ponteio Lar Shopping opens its doors and, along with the Interior Leader, gets the editor of Kasa, Ricardo Gaioso, on 10 de Mayo, às 10h, Ponteio Lar Shopping in Cineart. Attending a lecture circuit by Brazil in partnership with the Leader, Ricardo, in the State capital, conta um pouco do queRead more

Free master class analyzes the history of the String Quartet

Classical music has never been as accessible as it is today. Thanks to projects like the Villa-Lobos and children, young talents of poor communities in Rio de Janeiro can learn more about music. On 06 de Mayo (Saturday), in the Imperial Palace, mais uma master class coloca instrumentistas e amantes de música cara a caraRead more

Procedures for safeguarding a modern residence

The sacred art museum promotes a free course on the topic “Procedures for safeguarding a modern residence: House Nadyr de Oliveira / Carlos Millan. Fabio Di Mauro Coordination, Mirza Pellicciotta and Vanessa Kraml. OBJETIVO O objetivo do curso é estudar estratégias de salvaguarda e conservação de uma casa moderna paulistana projetada por CarlosRead more

"Inset" mixing verses and watercolors in the room Leila Diniz

Exposure of artists Troythulu and Paulo Roberto Cecchetti arrives at the Culture room in may, the Leila Diniz Culture Room will bring the lightness of art through the encounter between verses and watercolors. From day 5, with free admission, a artista plástica Luciane Valença e o poeta Paulo Roberto Cecchetti apresentam aRead more

Book of poetry promotes reflection on peace

Work which is the fruit of work with high-risk communities, performed by artist Eni D ´ Oak in the middle of the century 21, many men, women and children are the fruit of the violence generated by various reasons. The peace often appears not to exist and is far from human being. Foi esse quadro que inspirou a escritora e Artista-EducadoraRead more

Iate Clube do Rio de Janeiro National Exposition of fine arts I

Event, curated by Fabio Porchat, happens day 25 April next Tuesday, day 25 April, at 19h, the Iate Clube do Rio de Janeiro presents the first National Exhibition of fine arts. The show, that is a realization of the ward (Latin American Academy of art), account with contemporary works of 30 Brazilian artists, … Read more
