Visual artist and photographer from Rio de Janeiro Andréa Brêtas presents the exhibition “Everything Else Between Us”

Andréa Bretas. Photo: Georgia Nolasco.

Visual artist and photographer from Rio de Janeiro Andréa Brêtas presents the exhibition “Everything Else Between Us”, with pictorial works and mixed media, dealing with human relationships and the 'we'’ that exist on path A shows, that prints the artist's message on the viewer, curated by Tartaglia Arte at Centro Cultural Correios RJ “EVERYTHING ELSE BETWEEN US” … Read more

Contemporary Art Gallery occupies the Modernistas Gallery, in Santa Teresa, with free exhibitions and workshops

fantasy garden, diptych of Cadu Leal. Photo: Disclosure.

From 22 October to 19 of december, space will receive the exhibition “Imaginário”, the exhibition “Mosaico” and the occupation “O Futuro é Coletivo” 22 October to 19 of december, Iconic association of the Carioca Carnival, in Santa Teresa, will receive the collective exhibition “Imaginário” and the occupation “The Future is collective”, both inspired by a famous phrase … Read more

Premiere of the world's largest immersive Monet exhibition is rescheduled for this Saturday in São Paulo

Monet Exhibition by the Waterfront. Photo: Disclosure.

The rains that hit the capital made it difficult to assemble the structure in Parque Villa Lobos. 285 works with technology 100% Brazilian will be projected in a tent 4 thousand m² Due to the heavy rains that hit São Paulo in recent weeks, which made the arrival of equipment and the assembly of the structure difficult, a exposição imersivaRead more

Maiori Casa sponsors the exhibition “From Thread to Thread – the Brazilian Textile Heritage of 22 a 22” at FAAP

Maiori Casa is one of the sponsors of the exhibition "De Fio a Fio", banner. Disclosure.

Event marks the Brazilian textile tradition with works and tributes to important artists in the segment Art is present in everything! When we talk about decoration, she can be in all elements, floor to ceiling, even on the carpets. This is what the exhibition “From Thread to Thread – the Brazilian Textile Heritage of … Read more

Luis Antonelli presents the exhibition “Paintings by Luis Antonelli Colors and Flowers”

Work of Luis Antonelli. Photo: My name is Marcia.

Luis Antonelli presents the exhibition “Paintings by Luis Antonelli Colors and Flowers”, bringing works with flowers that form an environment of contrasts and textures, coloring the Shopping Casino Atlântico. The show celebrates the 50 years of the artist's trajectory in the visual arts, between days 24 October to 19 November, dentro do novoRead more

Shopping in São Paulo presents exhibition “Inside the Mind of Leonardo da Vinci”

Exhibition "Inside the Mind of Leonardo da Vinci" no West Plaza, The bicycle. Photo: Disclosure.

Free show will take place at West Plaza, from 12 october to 10 November and will provide visitors with a trip back in time through the works of the artist Tradicional shopping in the west of São Paulo, West Plaza se prepara para receber exposição inédita na região destacando parte do período Renascentista através da mostra “Por Dentro daRead more

Exhibition “spill and burn”, by Maria Eduarda Boabaid, shake up the art world, at Centro Cultural Correios RJ, with visceral color screens, reais, intense and deep

Maria Eduarda Boabaid. Photo: Disclosure.

The individual shows that art is resignification and expression of life, curated by Riccardo Tartaglia and Regina Nobrez. The exhibition “spill and burn”, artist Maria Eduarda Boabaid has stirred the Centro Cultural Correios RJ, with works in acrylic on canvas, turning words into feelings, using visceral colors, reais, intense and deep, mostrando que a arteRead more

Ava Galleria opens the exhibition “VivaCidade” at its new Rio branch at Fábrica Bhering

Marcelo Drupat, junction III. Photo: Disclosure.

Ava Galleria opens the exhibition “VivaCidade” at its new Rio branch at Fábrica Bhering, with artists from different countries,  honoring the cultural and artistic diversity of the wonderful city Mostra brings new emotions and meanings after the pandemic, com curadoria de Edson Cardoso A Ava Galleria abre a exposição “VivaCidade” at its new Rio branch, in Bhering Factory, … Read more

write other bodies, Create other Margins

Marcelo Solá, Untitled, 2022, mixed technique on paper. Photo: Disclosure.

“The fabulation, dream and delirium as the power of invention” BELIZARIO Galeria exhibits the group show “Writing Other Bodies – Create Other Margins”, with Estêvão Parreiras, Laura Gorski, Marcelo Solá, Raquel Nava, Stella Margarita and Sara Has No Name + Juliana Franco, Raphael Abdullah, Victor Galvão, composed of 32 trabalhos que “apresentam múltiplos desafiosRead more

Opening Exhibition Living Nature

Live nature, featured. Photography: Lucia Adverse.

Project by Minas Gerais artist Lucia Adverse, curated by the Parisian gallery Ricardo Fernandes, takes place in Tiradentes between 20 and 23 October The historic Tiradentes is experiencing an intense cultural program at the end of October. On 20/10 (Thursday), acontece a abertura da exposição Natureza Viva, by Lucia Adverse, in the Roots Space, in the historic city center. … Read more