#BUT promotes practical course: Conservation and Restoration 3D Replicas with Prof.. Titina Corso

3D replica 70 Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo images Total hours: 120 hours / Total module internship hours: minimum of 8 hours. Periodicity: Wednesdays of 13hs to 17hs Duration: January to July 2019 conditioning: Every student should attend this course with at least 8 hours per week … Read more

Free Course: “The Old Regime revisited Absolutism and the Enlightenment” with Professor. Fabio Lage

The Museum of sacred art promotes, the Free Course: “The Old Regime revisited - The Absolutism and the Enlightenment” with Professor. Fabio Lage. General objective: Europe, sixteenth century. The splendor of the absolute monarchy and frightening glimpses subjects, travelers and own monarchs. The apparent hegemony and stability of these regimes hide a political alliances tangle, de contradições sociais eRead more

#MAS promotes Lesson In Loco: Aparecida do Norte

October is the month of Our Lady and also celebration of two years of Easter Claudio Pastro, († October 19, 2016). Claudio is largely responsible for the decoration of the interior space of the National Shrine of Aparecida, the biggest Marian shrine of the world. Screenplay: 1) Mini-gym: On this visit we will begin by “fishing” for the Virgin by … Read more

#BUT Expressions In Sacred Art: “Four symbols of the Gospels” – Practical Course

The Sacred Art Museum promotes the day 25 November a practical course entitled Expressions In Sacred Art: Four symbols of the Gospels with Prof. Silvana Borges Specialist. In the Christian tradition, the authors attributed to the creation of the New Testament Gospels are the Four Evangelists: Matthew, Marcos, Luke and John, que na arte sacra são respectivamente representados iconograficamenteRead more

#MAS promotes Free Course: “Introduction to Art History: From the Renaissance to the Vanguards”

The sacred art museum promotes a summer school on the theme “Introduction to Art History: From the Renaissance to the Vanguards”, with Professor. Plinio Freire Gomes. Divided into four independent modules, the course visit a wide range of art forms - from the Renaissance to the Post-Modern. historically, este arco temporal foi marcado pelo predomínio do pensamentoRead more

The Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo promotes Course in Loco: Jundiaí

The Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo promotes a Course in Loco in Jundiai with Prof.. Drº. Roberto Coelho Barreiro Son The region of Jundiaí was inhabited by indigenous people by the end of the century 17. They devoted themselves to the production of maize and cassava. Part of the indigenous culture has been incorporated by white settlers, entre elas a técnica construtiva eRead more

#MAS Curso in Loco: Pernambuco and Alagoas

The Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo promotes a Course in Loco in Pernambuco and Alagoas with Prof.. Fabricio Santos Forganes, about the topic: Afro-Brazilian Catholicism: The Churches of the Black Brotherhoods in Pernambuco and Alagoas OBJECTIVE: The visit aims to present the first churches built by black brotherhoods in Brazil, where blacks, mostly slaves, podiam exercitarRead more

#BUT Expressions In Sacred Art: “A Mandala” – Practical Course

The Sacred Art Museum promotes the day 16 September a practical course on Expressions in Sacred Art: The Mandala with Prof. Silvana Borges Specialist. The mandala is the elaboration of a drawing by arranging in a circle, and in concentric squares, in a geometric representation of the dynamic relationship between man and the universe, resultando em umaRead more

MAS promotes Free Course: “The Science Of Jesuits”

The Museum of sacred art promotes, the Free Course: “The Science Of Jesuits” with Professor. Dimas da Cruz Oliveira. General objective: Since, in the XXI century threshold, many historians recognize the immense value of science practiced by priests of the Jesuit order, it is our intention to present a balance sheet of this contribution. Acreditamos que assim será possível corrigir uma distorçãoRead more

Free Course: “Faith in the history of Brazilian Art: A journey through the history of Sacred Art in Brazil through the collection of the MAS”

The Museum of sacred art promotes, the Free Course: “Faith in the history of Brazilian Art: A journey through the history of Sacred Art in Brazil through the collection of the MAS” with Professor. José Augusto New. Objetivo do curso Apresentar a Arte Sacra presente no Brasil com suas mudanças de estilo e construção das obras segundo os costumes devocionaisRead more