Search for “Looks Carnaval” In RJ register an increase in 174% No Google: Check out artistic paintings to do at the party

Search for "Carnival looks" In RJ register an increase in 174% no Google: Check out artistic paintings to do at the party. Photo:

Artistic facial paintings highlight the costume and are great to save on the look and enjoy several days with different themes Carnival is the most anticipated time of the year by Brazilians, that already plan and rehearse for months to leaf between February and March. In Brazil, This festivity attracts tourists and drives several … Read more

Installation Relocations, by Rosângela Vig

Installation Relocations, by Rosângela Vig. Photo: Disclosure.

Se a Arte, in a way appropriate to the knowledge of a possible object, simply performs the actions required to make it effective, is mechanical art; if, however, the immediate intention is the feeling of pleasure, It's called aesthetic art. This is, or Pleasant Art or Fine Art. (KANT, 1998, p.209) The pleasure of Art is … Read more

Group virtual exhibition “Frida Kahlo”, a woman ahead of her time – 2024, by Rosângela Vig

Group virtual exhibition “Frida Kahlo”, a woman ahead of her time – 2024, by Rosângela Vig, featured. Disclosure.

Your beginning comes from far away.Your end ends in your beginning.Contemplate yourself.Compare.Everything is the same.Everything is without change.Only the colors and lines have changed.What does the colors matter?, to the Lord of Light?Within the colors the light is the same. What does it matter about the lines?, for the Lord of Rhythm?Within the lines the rhythm is … Read more

Paper Arts Salon, Hotel Toriba – Campos do Jordão, by Rosângela Vig

Paper Arts Salon, Hotel Toriba – Campos do Jordão, 2024, featured. Disclosure.

I feel like I'm the bee in your craft. My verses smell like the woods, of oxen and corrals. I live in the land of primitive farms and farms. I love the land of a mystical consecrated love, sublimated spousal number,Procreative and fruitful.(CORALINA, 2004, p.330) Nature was generous with Campos do Jordão. Amid exuberant nature, to … Read more

ARTE4 opens Marcelo Sobral's first solo show in Búzios

Van Gogh, highlight of Marcelo Sobral. Photo: Disclosure.

Galeria ARTE4 is pleased to announce the opening of the exhibition “Second Impressions” by Marcelo Sobral, scheduled for the day 7 September 2024. This will be the first time that the artist will exhibit his work outside of Niterói, your hometown. Marcelo Sobral began his career as an illustrator and visual programmer, having a solid background in graphic production. With … Read more

Alchemy of Color Exhibition – Maria Vieira, by Rosângela Vig

Alchemy of Color Exhibition - Maria Vieira. Art: Disclosure.

The night turns pale. Dawn…You can hear the laughter of the fountain more…About the changing city, the horizon. It's a strange orchid blooming. There are swallows ready to say the dawn mass, as soon as the sun rises. Roosters' cries sound from mountain to hill In an intense joy of living.(SPANKS, 2003, p.76) The nuances that the sky acquires when the morning dawns on the sky are indescribable. … Read more

Exhibition “News from Brazil” at the PGE-RJ Cultural Center

PV Dias, work "Working in your office". Disclosure.

The News from Brazil Exhibition portrays the country's history from the contemporary perspective of new artists. The Sesc RJ Exhibition that will be shown at the PGE-RJ Cultural Center, gains a decolonial look printed in unpublished works by PV Dias, Sabrina Savani and Silvana Mendes. RIO DE JANEIRO – Created by Sesc RJ, the exhibition News from Brazil … Read more

Art auction, Casa Grande Hotel and Resort, Altit Art and Auction House, by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 1 – Casa Grande Hotel and Resort.

If the gaze saw curved,What do you say space is?,Looking southwestFrom my current terrace,I could see beyond the corrugated zinc (the water)Your coconut palm beaches,Pubescent, not glabrous. But there is another viewBeyond the primary (the eye),Because from here I see you With the view of your whole body,Under the tactile warm light,Thick with juices,Of a sun where you are Like inside … Read more

Registration for the Arte.On Exhibition is open

Registration for the Arte.On Exhibition is open: 60 Projects will be selected with cash prizes and exhibition in public places. Photo: Disclosure.

60 projects will be selected with cash prizes and exhibition in public places Cultural agents from all over the country who have works created to be shown on video can register Until the day 9 August, artists who have works created to be shown on video, You can sign up for “Mostra Arte.On”. A … Read more

ARTE4 celebrates Five Years of Existence with Collective Exhibition

Eduardo Pieretti, Laura Vivacqua, Patricia Penna and Lu Valença. ‘Five Years A4’ Exhibition. Photo: Disclosure.

The ARTE4 Gallery was opened in 2019 as an exhibition space created by four friends. The initial dream evolved and art workshops emerged, art history classes and exhibitions of new artists. Eventually, ARTE4 became a reference in Búzios, where is located. In the pandemic, joined forces with Contemporâneos Galeria … Read more