9 January 1822: the beginning of the road to Brazilian independence

Ueldison Alves de Azevedo, featured. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Everyone knows that Brazil's independence is celebrated on the day 7 September. However, in 9 January 1822, an important fact was crucial for this path to be paved. History professor shows what was important that day. It is not possible to talk about the history of Brazil without remembering … Read more

Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Niterói celebrates jubilee of 350 years with technological gift

Our Lady of the Conception of Niterói. Photo: Disclosure.

The Archconfraternity of Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Niterói, always looking for innovation and prominence, launched this month, through the Catholic system, the mobile application “Immaculada Conceição de Niterói”. The idea is to bring the community of the Immaculate Conception of Niterói always closer to the information in the Chapel. The Chapel, on 17 from … Read more

Retrospective 2020 Rosângela Vig

  Subjects, Art History and Opportunities in 2020 by Rosângela Vig, Let's review! Painting on Canvas, Step by step 18 – Perception of colors and shapes by Rosângela Vig National Exhibition of Arts on Papel Moinho Brasil 35 years by Rosângela Vig 5th edition Periphery Culture Promotion Program, by Rosângela … Read more

Retrospective 2020 Edmundo Cavalcanti

  Let's review the materials of Edmund Chandra in 2020! collage Analog – Returning full force, by Edmundo Cavalcanti Marcelo Neves Art Gallery Exhibition in São Paulo by Edmundo Cavalcanti “Exhibition Participating Artists at the Spectrum Miami Art Show - Marcelo Neves Art Gallery” by Edmundo Cavalcanti Sandra Gobert - “To art as a form of … Read more

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: 82º Tenor Auction & Pellizzari of Numismatics

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: 82º Tenor Auction & Pellizzari of Numismatics, featured. Disclosure.

AUCTION Day 28 December 2020 at 7 pm AUCTION ONLY ONLINE AUCTION Flavia Cardoso Soares – JUCESP Nº 948   Click here to see the complete catalog How to buy at auctions: just access the link to the catalog and launch in the items of interest. The moment a bid is placed, whom … Read more

Documentary “Aznavour Por Charles” has its debut confirmed in 7 January 2021 at the movies

Aznavour Por Charles documentary, price. Disclosure.

Directed by Marc di Domenico with the voice of Romain Duris, the documentary intimately and irreverently portrays the life of French singer Charles Aznavour, using images shot by himself with a camera that he received as a gift from Edith Piaf. Narrated by French actor Romain Duris, the film tells the story of the French singer from … Read more

Tivoli Park, the most loved by cariocas, presents another novelty and creates a Solidary Christmas

Tivoli Park, Roller coaster. Photo: Allan Fernando.

Rio de Janeiro, December 2020 - Starting this week, the Tivoli Park amusement park, success between decades of 70 and 90, will offer a new attraction to Rio de Janeiro residents and tourists visiting our city: the largest traveling roller coaster in Latin America, a Looping Star, que nos proporciona uma sensaçãoRead more

Book analyzes ethics and human relations in the corporate world

Wagner Siqueira, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

What are the implications of morals and ethics in the business world? This is the central theme of the book “Organizations are moral?”, administrator Wagner Siqueira, Federal advisor by the Regional Administration Council of Rio de Janeiro (CRA-RJ) and director general of the Corporate University of the Administrator (UCAdm). The purpose of the work is to analyze how doctrines are formed, the ideologies, the theories and … Read more

Through your book, Journalist teaches us what fighting is, perseverance and resilience

Eliane Canegal, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

The journalist Eliane Canegal - black woman, born in the suburb of Rio, mother of two children, postgraduate in marketing and with 47 years - is a great example of overcoming and love of life. She has been through 15 surgeries and continuing to face, head up, the disease that completely changed your life: a cancer. … Read more