Exhibition “Dialogues” by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Day 18 November happened the vernissage of the exhibition “Dialogues” in Dimension Gallery in Lisbon Portugal, organization of “Anjos Art Gallery” and curated by artist Maria dos Anjos Oliveira, an exchange of art between two brother countries. More a guaranteed success, again showing the competence, professionalism and love of the art of its … Read more

IN ART, Call to Artists by Edmundo Cavalcanti

From 6 to 28 February the IN ART will be in Buzios in the trendy Rua das Pedras. Rua das Pedras in Wikipedia Rua das Pedras in Portal de Buzios The exhibition with twenty artists will be titled “MARÉS E ESTRELAS GUIA”, we are selecting artists, informations in facebook box – Ângela Oliveira. Invitation: . …. . … Read more

9º Arte Laguna Prize by Valentina Valmarana

9º Prêmio Internacional Arte Laguna por Valentina Valmarana O Prêmio Internacional Arte Laguna é um concurso de arte que oferece aos artistas a oportunidade de fazer parte do panorama artístico contemporâneo participando nas seleções para uma exposição internacional que será feita na Arsenale de Veneza em Março 2015, além da possibilidade de ganhar muitos prêmiosRead more

Interviews with Artists of the Iª Mostra Itapetininga de Arte on TV Itape by Edmundo Cavalcanti

On the occasion of the opening of Ist Art Shows Itapetininga on 04 Nov, the program “Telescópio” of TV Itape, interviewed some of the participants of the show, where interviewees talked a bit about their artistic careers, their works and answered questions of the presenter Mauricio Hermann. . The artists interviewed were: Ângela Oliveira – ArtistaRead more

Exhibition of Plastic Arts and Poetry and Book Launch “Angels and Archangels”, Curator Carlos Zemek

Exhibition of Plastic Arts and Poetry and Book Launch “Angels and Archangels” Curator Carlos Zemek Art as door to the transcendent . Vernissage and Book Launch day 09 November 11 hs. Local: Museu de Arte Sacra da Arquidiocese de Curitiba. Beside the Igreja da Ordem – Largo da Ordem. . Artists … Read more

Vernissage marked the opening of the I Mostra Itapetininga de Arte by Edmundo Cavalcanti and Juliana Ferraz

The exhibition is open to the public and will be in town until the day 14 “I have visited and participated in some exhibitions in São Paulo-SP, all excellent, but this especially closely followed since the beginning, and saw the effort and dedication on your curator, the artist Angela Oliveira, to the Show, could disclose … Read more

Rio Vitrais 2014, The Rescue of the Art of Stained Glass by Sérgio Prata

Rio Vitrais 2014, Saving the Art of Stained by Sergio Plata International Seminar - 12 to 14 th November of 2014 Local: National Foundation Library Auditorium Rua Machado de Assis Mexico, s/nº (Access by the garden) Center – Rio de Janeiro Sérgio Prata será um dos palestrantes no Encontro Internacional de Vitralismo, a ser realizado no Rio deRead more

Among scratches and licks, haiku & cats, Alvaro Posselt

Among scratches and licks, haiku & cats, Hello guys that Posselt Alvaro visits the Site works of art! I am with the new book, From scratches and licks – haiku & cats. … [highlight]Launch with Promotion:[/highlight] 1 por R$ 30,00, 2 por R$ 50,00, or 3 por R$ 60,00, frete incluso. … This promotion is valid … Read more

Alliance Francaise Opens Exhibition at Museu Ciência e Vida by Carolina Oliveira

Alliance Francaise Opens Exhibition at Science Museum and Life by Carolina Oliveira Concern for preserving the environment is a matter of free exhibition presented by Alliance Française DESIGNED BY THE AUTHOR AND HISTORIAN FRENCH JEAN PIERRE Gueno, A EXPOSIÇÃO FAZ REFERÊNCIA ÀS REFLEXÕES DE ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY EM RELAÇÃO À DESTRUIÇÃO DO PLANETA NA CLÁSSICARead more

Exhibition “An Unusual Look II” by Edmundo Cavalcanti

The PontoArt invites for Exhibition: “An Unusual Look II” de Ananda Peres, Carla Caruso and Helena Ribeiro Paintings, drawings, collages, objects and sculptures Ananda Giordano Peres, together with Carla Caruso and technical support from their teachers and mentors, writer and illustrator, e Helena Ribeiro, artist and art educator, com obras eRead more