Lucio Salvatore presents the exhibition #2015_1 Fragment

The Italian Brazilian artist Lucio Salvatore presents the exhibition #2015_1 Fragment that will be held at the Cultural Center and post office, at the same time, in an external circuit with works installed in some streets and shops of downtown Rio de January 4 of September to 3 October 2015 Centro Cultural Correios Rua Visconde deRead more

Special programming on Home reading celebrates anniversary of Paulo Leminski

Special program at Casa da Leitura celebrates Paulo Leminski's birthday The Casa de Leitura Paulo Leminski, Curitiba Cultural Foundation unit in the Industrial City, prepared a special program to celebrate the birthday of Curitiba poet Paulo Leminski, that would complete 71 years in the day 24 August. As rodas de leitura e mais algumasRead more

Children's musical highlights Brazilian popular culture

children's musical highlights Brazilian popular culture Pererê The Tupi group presents on Sunday (23), at 4:00 pm, the Teatro Paiol, his new show "Viva Brazil". The musical is a tribute to the rich Brazilian popular culture. The four members will make a trip to the "nooks" Brazilian, where the stories keep up, os costumes e asRead more

Tomorrow, 22, Alliance Française of Rio presents Jazz concert of the ' Greg Lamy Quartet ' in Sala Cecília Meireles

The Alliance Française of Rio de Janeiro presents on Saturday, 22 August, at 8:0 pm, jazz concert "Greg Lamy Quartet", in the Sala Cecília Meireles. The event is part of the commemorative programming of 130 years of the French Alliance in Brazil. Os ingressos estão à venda no site e na bilheteria da sala CecíliaRead more

Flamenco duo's attraction in the Armory

Flamenco dance duo is attraction at Paiol A flamenco dance show is the attraction of the Storeroom Theater on Saturday (22). The show "comings and goings" gathers bailaoras Gladys Lee and Juliana Martinez, accompanied by Alexander Palma and the guitar sing Ozir P. A direção artística do espetáculo é de JulianaRead more

“Kandinsky: It all starts at a point” by Rosângela Vig

Kandinsky: It all starts at a point O blue, the Blue rose, rose and fell. The pointed, the thin hissed and made intruder, but not the spearing. In every corner the thing resonated The thick brown was suspended apparently for all eternity. Apparently. Apparently. (KANDINSKY, 1991, p.163) It may be that the colors whispered … Read more

Project rescues the memory of Vila Nossa Senhora da Luz dos Pinhais

Project rescues the memory of Vila dos Pinhais Our Lady of Light To promote the recognition and appreciation of the cultural heritage of the village Our Lady of Light, since the beginning of the year, the project “Our Vila” He held a series of activities with the community of Curitiba neighborhood. Through photography workshops, práticas deRead more

Registration open for literature workshop with Maria Alzira Lemos Brum

Registration open for literature workshop with Maria Alzira Brum Lemos is now open Registration for the workshop "Literature Today: meet, try, to createit is "with bilingual author guidelines, Maria Alzira Lemos Brum. The activities take place from the day 31 August in the Villa Wolf and aim to discuss the current literature, trabalhando aRead more

Book Launch “Intangible Heritage: in perspective”

Book launching KEN SOARES DOS REIS – BETHANY Goncalves Figueiredo invited to the launch of his book Intangible Heritage: Perspective day 22/08 Saturday 10 am Liberty Square, 21 Employees – Belo Horizonte – MG – Brazil Invitation:

5° Shows Migration of contemporary dance is part of the celebrations of the 55 years of the Fluminense Federal University

5° Shows Migration of contemporary dance is part of the celebrations of the 55 years at the Fluminense Federal University The Fluminense Federal University, through the Centro de Artes UFF, Cesgranrio Foundation present the 5° Shows Migration of contemporary dance that happens between 25 and 30 August 2015. In its 5° Edition, to … Read more