Partnership in art – Anna Bella Geiger participates in the exhibition of the Italian-Brazilian artist Lucio Salvatore

Partnership in art – Anna Bella Geiger participates in the exhibition by Italian-Brazilian artist Lucio Salvatore at Centro Cultural Correios, in Rio de Janeiro Anna Bella Geiger, one of the most important Brazilian plastic artists of today, take part in shows with the work “100 MANIPULATIONS, A BLACK SQUARE”, uma parceria onde Lucio Salvatore levanta a questãoRead more

FCC prepares special programming for the “Day of Reading. Every Day!”

This Thursday, day 1, happens the event “Day of Reading. Every Day!”, uma mobilização nacional de incentivo à leitura realizada em mais de 200 Brazilian cities. In Curitiba, a ação acontecerá nas unidades da Rede Municipal de Bibliotecas Escolares (Faróis do Saber, Bibliotecas Escolares, Bibliotecas Temáticas, Biblioteca Especializada em Educação e Gibitecas), nas Casas daRead more

National films are in the lineup the Cultural week of education

The Cinematheque of Curitiba and the Cine Guarani dedicated programming this week national productions, specially selected for the Education of Cultural Week, which happens to 28 September to 3 October. The film screenings is part of 248 cultural activities that take place in 30 different city spaces, com a ofertaRead more

Project "Grafique!"the Sesc Pinheiros explores possibilities of the universe of Printed Art

Typography, binding, editing and woodcut are some of the techniques covered in the workshops, courses and interventions The world of graphic arts is very present in everyday life: books, magazines and newspapers have been typeset, edited, printed and bound. For those who question or are curious about these processes, SESC Pinheiros receives, from day 3 from … Read more

Arthur Bishop of Rosario and Sena – Penelope by Rosangela Vig

God wants man dreams of, the work is born. God willed that the Earth was a whole, The sea unites, no longer part. Was you, And uncovering the foam. (PESSOA, 2006, p. 67) Maybe it's the art the fruit of an epiphany or maybe she's the boldness of a reverie, eager to raise … Read more

Philos displays documentary This is Orson Welles in Rio Festival

Audience will have the chance to check out the production at Oi Futuro (7 October) and in the CCBB (9 October) The Philos will make available exclusively for display in Rio Festival, in the days 7 and 9 October, the documentary This is Orson Welles at Oi Futuro Ipanema and CCBB, respectively. The film – … Read more

Literature Seminar at the foot of the ear marks the launch of the Cultural Agenda Mandela Lives

The Literature Seminar at the foot of the ear – the paths and access to literature, What happens on the day 29 September, Tuesday, marks the official opening of the Mandela Vive Cultural Agenda. Free and open to the public, the project will discuss issues related to the accessibility of people with hearing and visual disabilities to literature, with tables … Read more

Exhibition celebrates the 50 years of Grace's career at Centro Cultural Correios Andreato, in Rio de Janeiro

From 30 September, the Cultural Centre post office receives the Candy display Andreato, 50 Years, It gathers some of the major works produced by Paraná artist over half a century of career, in a trajectory that attaches to the Golden phase of Brazilian popular music, à luta contra o regime militar e pelaRead more

Curitiba gets the very short Movies Festival

The Cinémathèque de Curitiba receives, next Saturday and Sunday (days 26 and 27), the very short Movies Festival. In the list of movies are more than 100 Brazil and world productions, including documentaries, works of fiction, animations, among other genres. É a primeira vez que o Festival acontece na capital paranaense –Read more

News-angles 90 years of Photojournalism in the world

From 29 September until 29 November 1st floor of the Exhibition Hall Gallery talk: 29 September, at 11:00 In 450 years of Rio de Janeiro, the Art Museum of the river-SEA, under the management of the Institute Odeon, abre ao público Ângulos da Notícia – 90 years of Photojournalism … Read more