Teatro João Caetano receives the show's debut The Dance Of starlets

Contemplated in 23 dance Fomento Notice of Municipal Culture Bureau, the project brings to the stage a rescue Magazine Theater. The performances take place Friday, saturday and sunday, until 21 October, and are free. Premiered in Sao Paulo the dance show DANCE OF starlets, supervisionado pela Profª DrªRead more

Ballet Stagium returns to Rio de Janeiro after a long period away from the Rio Theater Box Nelson Rodrigues

The show "Pictures and Voices", directed by Marika Gidali and Décio Otero, launches the challenge of investigating the Dadaist spirit in our contemporary Teatro Nelson Rodrigues receives CASH, from 05 to 14 October 2018 (Friday to Sunday), a Ballet Stagium, with the show "Pictures and Voices", dirigido por Marika Gidali eRead more

The Four Secrets to start a career as an actor or actress

Actress and producer Priscilla Olyva talks about the kickoff, challenges and tips for entering an artistic career. The arts fascinated people since the world began. Who has not found himself admiring a novel character, cinema or theater, for acting, pela figura ou pela energia cativante de um atorRead more

Dear William presents a dramatized reading of the text "The Revolution of the Blessed", Dias Gomes

COLLECTIVE THEATER OF WILLIAM DEAR PRESENTS TEXT dramatized reading "The Revolution of the Blessed", Dias Gomes 12/06/2018 the 20:00 (Tuesday). Reading office Guilherme Araujo Rua Redentor 157, Ipanema Collective THE WILLIAM OF DEAR, formed from Theater Workshops Practices Reading Office Guilherme Araújo, coordinated by … Read more

Municipal schools of Paraná coast receive special programming at the end of the school year

Children from the municipalities of Paranaguá, Guaraqueçaba Pontal do Paraná and receive in their schools to play "the land of the people of grace", with the CLA Tripod Trip troupe of many possibilities, the week of 11 to 15 of december. The play, is a free adaptation of the book by Sergio Serrano, retrata um mundoRead more

THE DAUGHTERS OF MOTHER – Show celebrates 35 years in poster

In 1983 Thus a great success of Ronaldo Ciambroni, THE DAUGHTERS OF MOTHER, with your debut in the city of Bauru, São Paulo on a FOOTBALL COURT, With Nilson Ramã, Zaira Bueno, Monique Lafon and Ronaldo Ciambroni in the role of the mother. Traveled on tour from the North, Northeast and 1987 estreou em SãoRead more

The confusions and thoughts of the mind on the stage of Curitibanas Novels

Talk about the troubles and disturbances of the mind of contemporary man. That's what the Show Man the wind that has text and direction of Marcos Dalhatu. With text wistfully comic, a peça mostra ao público um grupo de jovens que no caos fazem reflexões sobre a humanidade e sobre as particularidades dosRead more

Show "the dance" premieres this Thursday at Cleon Jacques

The Modulated Theatrical research group (MPT) premiere this week the play "the Homecoming". The show is inspired by the movie of the same name from Italian Director Ettore Scolla and has other influences, How Almodóvar and Fellini. The show portrays small fragments of the characters who frequent the same ball, called “Kanaã”, onde cada um carrega nosRead more

"Believe me, a spirit Down on me!"at the Teatro Bibi Ferreira

The play tells the story of a homosexual, not satisfied with his own death, that run of heaven to live new experiences and ends up creating a big mess after incorporate in a sexist radical. The comedy has led more than 3 millions of people to the theater, and is completing 19 years in poster. Awards won: Best … Read more