“Harlots” is about respecting women’s choices

"Harlots", theatrical play. Photo: Laura Testa.

Piece by the collective Projeto Gompa, from Porto Alegre, takes to the scene reports of sex workers Meretriz, the new production that Projeto Gompa presents at the 32nd Curitiba Festival was born from the desire to get to know the universe of prostitution in Brazil and brings to the scene reports from sex professionals, taking as a starting point … Read more

Play, book launch and conversation circle at Teatro Popular de Niterói

Daniella D´Andrea. Photo: Disclosure.

On 30 September, the Teatro Popular de Niterói will receive a project that includes a show with the storyteller and actress Daniella D'Andrea, book launch and conversation circle with narrators from the city and region. “The art of self-government”, timeless narrative, provokes reflections on the theme ‘government’ and … Read more

Spectacle “Kimberly's Talent Show” debuts in October in São Paulo

Show "The Kimberly Talent Show", Flyer. Disclosure.

Show “The Kimberly Talent Show” Kimberly is a typewriter who only seeks approval for her noble scenic talents. Without noticing, she falls into an irreversible process of transforming herself into a human being. “Kimberly's Talent Show” presents a theory on the definition of Humanity and the factors that trigger the … Read more

PREMIER Play by Frenchman Pascal Rampert for a short season in Rio de Janeiro

"Closure of Love" Show. Photo: © Henri dos Anjos.

Show “Encerramento do Amor” arrives in Rio de Janeiro for presentations in an intimate environment. In national circulation, the brasiliense version of the work Clôture de l'Amour, by award-winning French playwright Pascal Rambert, brings to Rio de Janeiro a two-round discussion, that precedes the end of a relationship with several layers of complexity. The format … Read more

Instituto do Ator offers free shows

Instituto do Ator offers free shows in Rio de Janeiro through the Lapa Mundi Project. Disclosure.

FOCA – Programa de Fomento Carioca INSTITUTO DO ATOR OFFERS FREE SHOWS IN RIO DE JANEIRO FROM JUNE THROUGH THE LAPA MUNDI PROJECT Instituto do Ator will hold three free shows from 8 June in Rio de Janeiro. There will be more than ten performances of the pieces “Nyogolon”, “Susuarana” and “Sacrifice”, of the … Read more

Oi Futuro presents artistic occupation on mental health starring women

Anna Fernanda. Photo: Disclosure.

Lugar de Cabeça project Lugar de Corpo debuts in May at the cultural center in Flamengo, with performance (13/05), installation (18/05) and scenic intervention (19/05) The Lugar de Cabeça Lugar de Corpo project occupies Oi Futuro, no Flamengo, until 12 of June with three artistic activities that take place in parallel and address Mental Health. This is the performance Uma Mulher ao … Read more

Instituto do Ator offers free workshops in Rio de Janeiro from June through the Lapa Mundi Project

Jonyjarp Bridges, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Instituto do Ator offers free workshops in Rio de Janeiro starting in June through the Lapa Mundi Project Instituto do Ator will hold two free, face-to-face workshops, in June, for actors and theater students (over 18 years). As offices, that are part of the Lapa Mundi Project, will be held at the Institute's headquarters, … Read more

At the Theater of CAIXA Cultural Brasília, exhibition of The Storytelling Carpets

Shows "The Storytelling Carpets 24 years old". Photo: Flávio Salgado.

CAIXA Cultural Brasília presents The Storytelling Carpets in a commemorative action to celebrate the International Day of the Portuguese Language (5 de Mayo), and National Language Day (21 de Mayo) Storytelling Carpets celebrate 24 years in a free exhibition filled with stories and world children's literature 7 to 22 … Read more

Opera “Café” will make its world premiere at the Municipal Theater in May

Municipal Theatre. Photo: rafael savior.

Recital on the libretto by Mário de Andrade is the main highlight of the month of May. Adaptation by Sérgio de Carvalho, will feature the participation of the Municipal Symphony Orchestra, of the Lyric Choir and the Ballet of the City of São Paulo. The Experimental Repertoire Orchestra and the City String Quartet also perform … Read more

ANGELS IN AMERICA premieres at the PRUDENTIAL Theater

ANGELS IN AMERICA. Photo: © João Gabriel Monteiro.

Armazém Companhia de Teatro presents ANGELS IN AMERICA Paulo de Moraes' scenic version of Tony Kushner's masterpiece returns to Rio de Janeiro, not Prudential Theater, from 28 April to 8 de Mayo. Considered by many scholars as the most important theatrical text of recent 50 years, ANGELS IN AMERICA is a diptych … Read more