Feeding with music: children discover the sounds of an orchestra

This week begins the program with Feeding Music Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba. There will be two daily performances for children from public schools, associations and members of the set design, musicalization, reaching about 1.800 curitibinhas and 43 institutions. The didactic concerts, structured scenic and educational way, acontecem na Capela Santa Maria de terça-feira (2/10) … Read more

Cintia Moscovich is the guest of this year's Literary Paiol

The Brazilian writer and journalist, MA in Literary Theory, Cintia Moscovich, participates on Tuesday (2/10), the Paiol Literary. Chat, mediated by journalist and writer Roger Pereira, It begins at 19:30, in the theater of the Armory, with free entry. Started in 2006, It will be the ninth season of the project, conducted by the newspaper Draft, com patrocínio da Caixa EconômicaRead more

#MAS promotes Free Course: “Introduction to Art History: From the Renaissance to the Vanguards”

The sacred art museum promotes a summer school on the theme “Introduction to Art History: From the Renaissance to the Vanguards”, with Professor. Plinio Freire Gomes. Divided into four independent modules, the course visit a wide range of art forms - from the Renaissance to the Post-Modern. historically, este arco temporal foi marcado pelo predomínio do pensamentoRead more

#BUT - Theological Café presents: "Colonial Heritage Latin American"

The Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo promotes on 10 October 2018 Café Theological “Colonial Latin American heritage “, with Professor. Dr. Percival Tirapeli. this coffee, see how years of research can generate an interesting and full publication - in text and pleasant and attractive images to anyone. Percival Tirapeli, depois de dedicar parte daRead more

Paula Castro Dance Company presents Swan Lake at Teatro Sergio Cardoso

Show offers Ramona technician look Sáa, International ballet maitre and director of Ballet Escuela Nacional de Cuba (ENCB), which arrives in Brazil to rehearse the dancers Paula Castro Cia. Of dance, Company traditional and innovative dance school of the same name, with more than 40 anos noRead more

Parish of Campo de Santana neighborhood receives Chamber Orchestra of the city of Curitiba

Another edition of the project "Concert in the churches" of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba happens this Thursday (27), at 8:0 pm, in the Parish of St. Anne. In this presentation, classic works from various periods will be performed by the Chamber Orchestra of the city of Curitiba, the Group Camerata, and musical direction by Francisco Freitas. O concerto é aberto ao público eRead more

VIEWS KNOWN: A look at the neighborly relations through the windows of the cities

visual artist Leticia Lampert launches his new book, Known view, with editing funded Fumproarte Porto Alegre "In time, doormen and janitors were becoming the main curators of the project. Between suspicious and solidarity, apprehensive and excited, were they that, often, They decided in which building I could get, quem eu iriaRead more

The Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo promotes Course in Loco: Jundiaí

The Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo promotes a Course in Loco in Jundiai with Prof.. Drº. Roberto Coelho Barreiro Son The region of Jundiaí was inhabited by indigenous people by the end of the century 17. They devoted themselves to the production of maize and cassava. Part of the indigenous culture has been incorporated by white settlers, entre elas a técnica construtiva eRead more

rare concert with works of the court of King Louis XIII and Louis XIV will be presented in the Chapel Santa Maria

French songs and dances of the Baroque period should carry the Chapel Santa Maria for another century on Friday and Saturday. The Chamber Orchestra of the city of Curitiba with the musical direction of Fernando Cordella, runs the program 'Le Roi Danse' with compositions made to the court of King Louis XIII and Louis XIV. CompletaRead more

Paula Castro Dance Company presents Swan Lake at the Theater Paulo Machado de Carvalho

Show with the participation of Filipe Moreira, Prime dancer of the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro São Paulo, September 2018 - Paula Castro Cia. Of dance, Company traditional and innovative dance school of the same name, with more than 40 anos no mercado e representante exclusiva da Escuela Nacional de Ballet deRead more
