#MAS promotes Lesson In Loco: Aparecida do Norte

October is the month of Our Lady and also celebration of two years of Easter Claudio Pastro, († October 19, 2016). Claudio is largely responsible for the decoration of the interior space of the National Shrine of Aparecida, the biggest Marian shrine of the world. Screenplay: 1) Mini-gym: Nesta visita começaremos pela “pesca” da Virgem porRead more

#BUT Expressions In Sacred Art: “Four symbols of the Gospels” – Practical Course

The Sacred Art Museum promotes the day 25 November a practical course entitled Expressions In Sacred Art: Four symbols of the Gospels with Prof. Silvana Borges Specialist. In the Christian tradition, the authors attributed to the creation of the New Testament Gospels are the Four Evangelists: Matthew, Marcos, Luke and John, que na arte sacra são respectivamente representados iconograficamenteRead more

Curitiba launches project that creates spaces for traveling circuses

The Municipality of Curitiba launches next Thursday (11/10), at 14:30 in Barigui Park, a unique program in the country. The city will rely on the "Circus Square", project to provide free appropriate public spaces to receive itinerant circus companies, providing comfort and safety for the public and artists. "The Circus Square, programa daRead more

Forum #MARaberto

Art Museum of Rio. Photo: Thales Milk.

9/10, às 17h – Debate on museums: Situation and prospects of museums in Brazil 10/10, às 17h – Art collectives who exercised activities between the years 1980 and 2000 Rating: Livre Grátis O Museu de Arte do Rio – MAR, under the Institute's management Odeon, will promote two activities Forum #MARaberto. On … Read more

Teatro João Caetano receives the show's debut The Dance Of starlets

Contemplated in 23 dance Fomento Notice of Municipal Culture Bureau, the project brings to the stage a rescue Magazine Theater. The performances take place Friday, saturday and sunday, until 21 October, and are free. Premiered in Sao Paulo the dance show DANCE OF starlets, supervisionado pela Profª DrªRead more

Urban rhythms take care of Cleon Jacques Theater with Demystify Your Dance

from Wednesday (03/10) to sunday (07/10), the Cleon Jacques Theater receives the second edition of Demystify Your Dance. The event brings together artists in Curitiba and street dance researchers to experience, reflect the urban dances and their different realities. To shake the ground brings the event Curitiba, to-face and novel way, representantes daRead more

Last week for registrations of important photography contest sponsored by the Alliance Française Brazil, the Prix Photo Alliance Française (old Prix Photo Web) until day 7 October

Under the theme "Where's the water?"The contest offers three finishers as attractive prize ticket to Paris, scholarship at the Alliance Française, plus group exhibition at Gallery Alliance French Rio de Janeiro. As inscrições são gratuitas através do site www.prixphotoaf.com.br “Todos sabemos que a vida é impossível sem aRead more

City Hall launches new edicts of the Municipal Culture Fund

The City launched on Tuesday (02/10) new notices of the Municipal Fund of Culture in various artistic fields, the total amount of R$ 665 thousand to contract 39 projects. The notices with all the information are available here. With these are 17 Fund notices launched in 2018, total investment of about R $ 5 million … Read more

Workshop Historical and Cultural heritage in the Museum Alfredo Andersen

Alfredo Andersen Museum receives, on Friday, day 05 October, to 13 hours, workshop General Concepts Historical-Cultural Heritage, taught by artist and restorer Tatiana Zanelatto. The workshop aims to raise public awareness through the themes Culture, Heritage, natural resources, cultural property the relationship with the history and cultural heritage. Esta oficinaRead more

Ballet Stagium returns to Rio de Janeiro after a long period away from the Rio Theater Box Nelson Rodrigues

The show "Pictures and Voices", directed by Marika Gidali and Décio Otero, launches the challenge of investigating the Dadaist spirit in our contemporary Teatro Nelson Rodrigues receives CASH, from 05 to 14 October 2018 (Friday to Sunday), a Ballet Stagium, with the show "Pictures and Voices", dirigido por Marika Gidali eRead more
