#MAS promotes Free Lecture with Dr. Oscar Luigi Marzorati: “The Great Lordships Italian”

#MAS promotes Free Lecture: “The Great Lordships Italian: Origins, its pomp and artistic and cultural heritage” with Professor. Dr. Oscar Luigi Marzorati The Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo promotes lecture “The Great Lordships Italian: Origins, its pomp and artistic and cultural heritage“, with Professor. Dr. Oscar Luigi Marzorati Conteúdo Entre a metade do século XIIIRead more

The Nutcracker in Rio Design Leblon

Marcelo Misailidis, choreographer and director enshrined in its history at the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro and Rio Carnival, It brings the experience of dancing and great spectacles into the Rio Design Leblon, keeping alive the classic tale The Nutcracker. Supplying the lack of performance at this year Municipal, bailarinos daRead more

Registration for the Music Workshop start on Monday

Meet some attractions The opening of entries for the 36th Curitiba Music Workshop, which happens to 16 to 27 January 2019, It was announced early on Friday (26/10) the mayor Rafael Greca. Registration opens on Monday (29/10) and go up 30 de novembro pelo site www.oficinademusica.org.br. São mais de duasRead more

Solar shows will have two weeks of free dance performances

A strong free dance program will happen between days 27 October to 11 November, at Casa Hoffmann - Movement Studies Center, in the Largo da Ordem. The cultural space, that since April this year has encouraged new forms of body language, Solar receives Shows. O projeto traz sete artistasRead more

Free Course: “The Old Regime revisited Absolutism and the Enlightenment” with Professor. Fabio Lage

The Museum of sacred art promotes, the Free Course: “The Old Regime revisited - The Absolutism and the Enlightenment” with Professor. Fabio Lage. General objective: Europe, sixteenth century. The splendor of the absolute monarchy and frightening glimpses subjects, travelers and own monarchs. The apparent hegemony and stability of these regimes hide a political alliances tangle, de contradições sociais eRead more

Leslie Diniz Auctions promotes auction with Tito acquis and Remus Bernucci

Exposure prior to the auction happens in dos Bandeirantes Leslie Diniz Auctions Recreation performs the days 5, 6, 7 and 8 Nov, at 8:0 pm, a large online auction with works from Tito Bernucci acquis (1903 – 1984) e Remo Bernucci (1942 – 2018), escultores que marcaram o desenvolvimento da história da arte noRead more

Sylvio Back is honored by 50 years of the movie Major Lance

Celebrated filmmaker Sylvio Back, who completed 81 years and has conducted 38 movies, It is being presented twice in October. His film Lance Maior, supplementing 50 years, appears in the Curitiba Cinematheque, This Wednesday (24/10), programming that begins at 18h with the launch of the book The Making of a Filmmaker: Sylvio Back … Read more

Arthur Azevedo Theater gets short season of the show Dance of starlets

Contemplated in 23 dance Fomento Notice of Municipal Culture Bureau, the project brings to the stage a rescue Magazine Theater. The performances are free and take place from Friday, saturday and sunday, from 26 October to 18 November. After a successful season at the Teatro João Caetano, o espetáculo deRead more

Heritage Education Workshop for Training Citizen Conscious at the Museum Alfredo Andersen

Alfredo Andersen Museum receives, on Friday, day 19 October, to 14H:30min, the Heritage Education Workshop Conscious Citizen Training, given by architects Ivilyn Weigert and Renato Barbizan. Architects explore during the workshop memory concepts, Heritage, identidade e bens culturais e museologia para dialogar com o público sobre a éticaRead more

Paula Castro Dance Company presents Swan Lake at Teatro Sergio Cardoso

Paula Castro Cia. Of dance, Company traditional and innovative dance school of the same name, with more than 40 not exclusive representative market and gives National School of Ballet of the Republic of Cuba (ENBC) in Brazil, encena uma releitura do O Lago dos Cisnes, um dos principais repertórios do balé clássicoRead more
