Expressions In Sacred Art: “A Cusquenha Art” with Prof. Silvana Borges

The Sacred Art Museum promotes a practical course entitled Expressions In Sacred Art: Cusqueña Art with Prof. Silvana Borges. The artistic tradition called Cuzco School developed in the colonial period between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries; é considerada o primeiro centro de formação que sistematicamente ensinou técnicas artísticas europeias nas Américas com a introdução deRead more

Photographer gives tips for making good pictures on trips abroad

Will travel this holiday period and early years abroad? O fotógrafo Vagner Carvalho traz dicas para aproveitar o melhor de cada lugar e em primeira mão tendências de Paris O que você precisa para tirar uma boa foto? Some need a great camera, others want a perfect place, já outrosRead more

cultural spaces open to visitors during the year-end recess

During the year-end recess, some areas of the Curitiba Cultural Foundation will be open to visitors. From 26 to 30/12, work during regular hours the Municipal Museum of Art (Muma) and Casa Romário Martins. As for the Ukrainian and Polish Immigration memorials remain open during the entire period. Os demais espaços estarãoRead more

#MAS promotes class in Loco: “The City of Santos: Heritage, History and Memory Seats” with Professor. Fabricio Santos Forganes

objective: The visit aims to present the history of the city of Santos from centuries-old churches and places of memory which still resist the tangle of historical downtown streets of this important port city. Taking as its starting point the Hill of Santa Catarina, o percurso avança por ruas que preservam osRead more

Practical Course: “Expressions In Sacred Art – The Reverse Glass Painting” with Prof. Silvana Borges

The Sacred Art Museum promotes a practical course entitled Expressions In Sacred Art: The Reverse Glass Painting with Prof. Silvana Borges. Reverse artistic painting is a technique that uses glass as the support, called "reverse" because it is precisely the result of "inside out" painting to be viewed through the glass. Esse sistema de pintura existeRead more

edition celebrates 25 year history of the artist Valeria Costa Pinto

Book brings together research on the artist folds and creases in different formats and media respected visual artist, with important exhibitions curriculum in Brazil and abroad, Rio's Valeria Costa Pinto meets in book 25 years of his career in the Brazilian contemporary art. With limited run, translation and luxury finish, to … Read more

DN'A studio closes 2018 with danced version of Mamma Mia!

Program also includes an adaptation of Paquita ballet and classical assembly inspired by Beauty and the Beast Award-winning several times at dance events like CBDD (Australian Dance Council), Free Body, TAP JAZZ – Festival Internacional de Curitiba, National Dance Festival of Three Rivers, Festival Nacional e Internacional de DançaRead more

Samba's National Day on SEA

Museum will have special programming during the day 30 November, 1and 8 of december. The Art Museum of the river-SEA, under the management of the Institute Odeon, inaugurated, in April this year, the exhibition "The Rio Samba: resistance and reinvention ". The show five-year anniversary of the institution and brand, since … Read more

Alfredo Andersen House Museum reopens after revitalization

Project received R $ 700 thousand of Renault's Brazil through the Paraná Competitive program The museum that bears the name of the artist Alfredo Andersen is being redesigned to all its reopening on 7 of december. The project is sponsored by Ministry of Culture of Paraná (Seac-Fri), with resources of R $ … Read more

dramatized reading “The Lampshade Lilac” Plinio Marcos

On 4 of the December 20:00 hours directed by Alexandre Lino Collective Theater Dear William will be performing at the Reading Cabinet Guilherme Araújo, Redeemer street 157, Ipanema, under the coordination of award-winning actress Rose Abdallah, the dramatized reading of "The Lampshade Lilac" Plinio Marcos. Ask five characters: três prostitutasRead more
