Dr. Vinicius Alves explains what the main changes in the Rouanet Law and how it affects society and companies

There are many questions with regard to changes in the Rouanet Law. The Doctor. Vinicius Alves, lawyer specializing in business law, It addresses the main points of law to clarify the population, as well as artists and companies, what should be the new project approval criteria of Law from then. The … Read more

Rio Art Museum - free entry to SEA

Days: 1and 8 March Schedule: from 10h to 17h Rio Art Museum - SEA, under the Institute's management Odeon, You will have free entry in the next two Fridays! On March 1, in celebration of the birthday 6 years of SEA and 454 years of the city of Rio de Janeiro, … Read more

Brazilian Group and Coral Brasileirinho open vacancies for new members

The Coral Brasileirinho and the Brazilian Group, maintained by the Brazilian Popular Music Conservatory of Curitiba, They are receiving applications for the selection of new singers. The tests for the Brazilian Group will be held in the days 18 and 19 March, and the Coral Brasileirinho on 23 March. As informações completas estão disponíveisRead more

#BUT Promotes: The Requiem Mass as a musical genre

The Museum of sacred art promotes, the Free Course: "The Mass of Requiem as a musical genre" with Prof.. André Guimaraes Rodrigo. OBJETIVO O presente curso pretende apresentar e discutir elementos fundamentais para a compreensão da missa de Réquiem como gênero musical, since its constitution in the medieval period, shaped chant, until the … Read more

Free Course: “Symbology of flora and fauna” with Prof. Dr. Vanessa Beatriz Bortulucce

The Museum of sacred art promotes, the Free Course: “Symbology of flora and fauna” with Prof. Dr. Vanessa Beatriz Bortulucce. Man's relationship with nature is very old and takes place in various ways; one of them was the creation of a symbolism of natural, where plants, flowers, Trees, frutos e animais assumiram significados para além deRead more

Weekend with a lot of dancing in SEA

Rating: Free Rio Art Museum - SEA, under the management of the Institute Odeon, You will have a busy schedule this weekend! On Friday, 22, It happens Charm Ball with DJ Michell, resident and the largest producer Ball Charm Brazil, Viaduct of Madureira. In the day 23, será a vezRead more

Theological Café: The Sacred Music and Religious Music: convergences and divergences

The Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo promotes on 13 March 2019, Theological Café "The Sacred Music and Religious Music: convergences and divergences ", with Professor. Me. André Rodrigo. Although often confused, sacred music and religious music have their own definitions. Among similarities and dissimilarities, a música representada por esses dois conceitos abrange umRead more

Emerson Lima encourages art through the streets of São Paulo with the fashion world celebrities

40 fotógrafos de diversas partes do país e celebridades do mundo fashion convidadas por Emerson Lima se reuniram para uma imersão fotográfica pelas ruas da capital Paulista A saída fotográfica promovida pelo retratista Emerson Lima já é uma tradição em sua trajetória, and eagerly awaited by photographers who closely follow their work. Acompanhado deRead more

Election of the King and Queen of Carnival will be on Thursday, in Curitiba Memorial

Will be on Thursday (14) the election of the Real Carnival Parade 2019. The party will be in Curitiba Memorial, from the 8:30 pm, with free entry. To the drums of Samba Youth Blue School, a committee of judges will choose, among candidates, o Rei Momo, a Rainha e as duas PrincesasRead more

#BUT Promotes: The Great Lordships Italian

The Museum of sacred art promotes, the Free Course: "The great Italian Lordships" with Prof.. Dr. Oscar Luigi Marzorati. Objective and content: After the lecture introduction to the subject, The course aims to tell the pomp and artistic and cultural heritage of the main Italian Lordships. Cada aula será uma viagem dentro de importantes cidadesRead more
