Artist creates fun on channel art to lay

The artist and art historian Aline Pascholati decided to create the channel Insider Art by Aline Pascholati - The art world for an insider, on YouTube, in order to talk about art in a light and fun way, just like friends talking in a bar table. A ideia surgiu graças às frequentesRead more

Curitiba integrates new board of the National Culture Secretaries Forum

The president of the Curitiba Cultural Foundation, Ana Cristina de Castro, make up the new board of the National Forum of Secretaries and Managers of Cultural Capitals and Cities Associates. Ana Cristina was chosen vice president forum, the general meeting of the board that was held this week in Singapore (AL). O novo presidente é o secretárioRead more

Severo Brudzinski launches his new book on Thursday at Cine Tour

The writer Severo Brudzinski launches this Thursday (16), at 18h, in Coffeeterie Cine Tour, his new book "Goodbye, love!”, the windward Editorial. The book features a selection of free haiku, written in 2017, inspired by the works of Leonard Cohen, Serge Gainsbourg and Vinicius de Moraes, autores icônicos na tradição lírica e no cancioneiro românticoRead more

the Camerata Antiqua Choir dedicated sacred pieces from Mozart to Mother's Day

The Curitiba's Camerata Antiqua Choir dedicated to mothers the concert will Friday (10/5), at 8:0 pm, it is Saturday (11/5), às 18h30, in the chapel Santa Maria Cultural Space. Intitulado child prodigy Mozart (Mozart, the ingenious child), the show features four pieces of Austrian composer that is exalted figure of the Virgin Mary. The … Read more

Latitude project promotes free thematic meetings focused on the art market professionals

14/05, Tuesday, from 10 to 13 hours: "Setting cultural and business in China: opportunities and challenges ", with Martha Fausto Godoy, na Unibes Cultural O projeto Latitude – Platform for Brazilian Art Galleries Abroad, uma parceria entre a Associação Brasileira de Arte Contemporânea – ABACT e a Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e InvestimentosRead more

Fair music business encourages setting for artists and trends points

The International Fair of South Music, reaching the third edition, It is open to agents of all Brazilian states and Latin America. The new forms of negotiating cultural products are increasingly made possible rapprochement between artists and buyers from around the world. In some sectors, é nítido observar o crescimento rentávelRead more

Expert reveals secret of Computer Graphics 3D behind Game of Thrones, Toy Story and Avengers

A few years over here, cinema is to look increasingly realistic. Animations that come to be confused with real scenes, a lot of computer graphics and effects for there especias has given life to amazing stories as the superheroes of Marvel movies, as animações da Disney/Pixar e séries daRead more

Oscar-nominated screenwriter gives course at Cine Walk Saturday

On the day that marks one month of the opening of Cine Tour, the Oscar-nominated screenwriter, Braulio Mantovani opens a series of master classes scheduled for this year in the cultural space. The course will be made on Saturday (27/4), às 10h, e pretende discutir a importância do roteiro no êxito de uma produção cinematográfica e também abrirRead more

Baroque Music Cycle in French Botafogo Alliance, days 26 and 27 April with free admission!

Baroque Music Series in the auditorium of the French Alliance Botafogo, days 26 and 27 April presents concert with the participation of soloists of the Baroque Orchestra of UniRio (BOTH): Patricia Michelini, Roger Gomes, Luan Ribeiro Braga, Nichola Viggiano, Lucas Bracher, Rosanna Lanzelotte, under the artistic direction of soloist and flutist Laura Ronai. A programação contaRead more

Bahian food class open course cuisine of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba

Event is part of the Ethnic Food Program and will take place in the experimental kitchen of the Municipal Market How to prepare a tasty acarajé will be the theme of the inaugural class of the Ethnic Food Program, which begins Saturday (27/4), at 8:30, in the municipal market experimental cooking. Os interessados podem se inscrever no local ou pelo portal eRead more
