Bruno Barreto, Spiderman and surprise session are the attractions of Cine Tour

One of the attractions of the Cine Tour schedule, This weekend, Session is Surprise, which takes place this Friday (26), at midnight. The public will know the title of the film only when the projection start. The Trustees Marden Machado and Jorge Marcos give some tips: "it's a horror movie, relativamente recente e é simplesmenteRead more

Check out the courses and lectures that take place in August in Ema House Museum Klabin

Ema Klabin House Museum is inspired by Sanssouci Palace (Potsdam, Germany) and designed by Alfredo Ernesto Becker in the mid 1950. Photo: Disclosure.

Entries can be made on the House-Museum site. Set out to explore the cultural space that has more than 1500 works of great masters world. The Foundation Ema Klabin promotes courses and lectures on art, creative writing, literature string and photo areas with specialists. In the course “Photographic project in the book” you intend to investigate possible paths … Read more

Book Launch “The Forest Of The Five Powers”

100% of the amount collected from the sale of books will be donated to people with the disease AME The book A Floresta dos Cinco Poderes written by Cleyson Lima, tells the fantastic adventure of Joe, an orphan girl who is taken through a portal to a magical forest, fulfilling an ancient prophecy, a de se tornar o príncipeRead more

Showing at Cine Guarani Brazilian horror stories

The national cinema is highlighted this week in cinemas of the Curitiba Cultural Foundation. One of the most interesting attractions is the Brazilian film "Strange Stories", what's playing at the meeting of 19h, NO cinema Guarani, Cultural gate. The film brings together eight short films of terror and suspense, each with a different story. … Read more

Holidays in SEA 2019

Date: from 16 to 28 July free Rating Wednesday to Sunday – one piece R$ 20,00 half price: R$ 10,00 Entry is free on Tuesdays Between days 16 and 28 July, Rio Art Museum, under the management of the Institute Odeon, promove uma série de atividades voltadas para o período deRead more

Community Samba da Vela celebrates 19 years with a special presentation that brings Osvaldinho of Cuíca and honor of Beth Carvalho

Date is celebrated on 22 July in the House of Santo Amaro Culture All Mondays, Samba Community Sailing promotes, in Santo Amaro House of Culture, its traditional samba. Founded by Chapinha, flirting, Magno de Souza and Maurilio de Oliveira, the date, que dá voz a novosRead more

Third film in the Grand Masters Series honors Maria Tomaselli

Filmmaker Henrique de Freitas Lima begins to shape the new documentary of your project to rescue life and work of artists gauchos still circulating with the documentary Zoravia, launched in the first half of 2019, o cineasta gaúcho Henrique de Freitas Lima já trabalha no terceiro título da Série Grandes Mestres, que será dedicado àRead more

Tomorrow the museum will have free programming for July holidays

Museum of tomorrow. Photo: Bernard Lessa.

Activities, inspired by the sky and sea, happen between days 13 and 30 July. To participate, just hold registration in the museum's website Tomorrow Museum has prepared a free program for the July holidays. Kids, youth and adults of all ages can participate in activities aimed at the whole family, … Read more

The July holidays in Educational CCBB – Art and Education have many special activities for babies and all ages!

Check out the highlights of the program and participate! artistic workshops '50 Years Realism 'Baby, storytelling about the fauna and flora of Brazil with the troupe "Cia rails" and educators of the Educational CCBB; Creating place with activities inspired by the exhibits on display at CCBB and "Multiple Ancestral – … Read more

theater companies do special shows at Teatro Novelas Curitibanas

The third edition of Emerging Display will show, workshops and conversation circles with the theater group Theater Curitibanas Novels - Claudete Pereira Jorge presents, between days 11 of July and 11 August, the third edition of Emerging Shows, que reúne cinco jovens companhias de teatro de Curitiba interessadas em compartilharRead more
